項目 |
相關資料 |
姓 名: |
衛強 Chiang Wei |
研究領域: |
遙測學(Remote Sensing)
空間統計學(Spatial Statistics)
森林測計學 (Forest Mensuration)
環境監測(Environmental Monitoring) |
聯絡方式: |
電子郵件:weichiang@ntu.edu.tw |
近年研究成果: |
01 |
衛強、鄭克聲,1998。 ”遙測與地理資訊系統應用於集水區水文模擬之技術探討”,農業工程學報,第44卷,第3期,38-50頁。(EI paper, ISSN 0257-5744) |
02 |
衛強、鄭克聲,2002。 ”時空尺度對應用氣象衛星推估降雨量之影響”,台灣水利,第50卷,第2期,36-45頁。(EI paper, ISSN 0492-1505) |
03 |
衛強、鄭克聲,2002。 ”應用氣象衛星影像於降雨量推估之研究”,台灣水利,第50卷,第3期,35-48頁。(EI paper, ISSN 0492-1505) |
04 |
衛強,2006。”以多期遙測衛星影像監測臺大實驗林溪頭營林區之三處崩塌地災害”,臺大實驗林研究報告,第20卷,第1期, 1-14頁。(ISSN 0255-6014) |
05 |
衛強、鄭克聲,2007。”應用氣象衛星影像於臺灣中部山區小型集水區進行雨量預報之可行性研究”,中華水土保持學報,第38卷,第2期,147-157。(EI paper, ISSN 0255-6073) |
06 |
衛強、葉惠中、陳彥璋,2008。”臺大實驗林轄區雨量站網設計之研究-以溪頭營林區為例”,臺灣水利,第56卷,第2期,95-106頁。(EI paper, ISSN 0492-1505) |
07 |
王亞男、衛強 、曾家琳,2009。”臺大實驗林清水溝營林區線浸柳杉生長量試驗研究”,臺大實驗林研究報告,第23卷,第2期,133-146頁。(ISSN 0255-6014) |
08 |
衛強、林法勤、李金玲、黃憶汝、簡沂如,2010。”臺大實驗林溪頭營林區木製格框擋土牆於植生復育之初步研究”, 臺大實驗林研究報告,第24卷,第1期,17-30頁。(ISSN 0255-6014) |
09 |
衛強、王亞男、蔡明哲、鄭景鵬,2010。” 臺大實驗林溪頭營林區西川試驗地柳杉生長量之研究”,臺大實驗林研究報告,第24卷,第3期,169-183頁。(ISSN 0255-6014) |
10 |
衛強、魏聰輝、葉惠中、陳彥璋、江介倫,2011。”利用地理統計學及離散資訊熵進行雨量站網設計之研究-以臺大實驗林轄區為例”,作物、環境與生物資訊,第8卷,第1期,58-74頁。(ISSN 1811-7406) |
11 |
衛強、陳陽發、楊智凱、黃憶汝、陳玉珍、林松村,2011。”臺大實驗林溪頭營林區大學坑生態滯洪池對生態復育之效益評估”,臺大實驗林研究報告,第25卷,第2期,81-101頁。(ISSN 0255-6014) |
12 |
衛強、李金玲、田佩玲、廖煥彰、黃憶汝、曾郁珊、賴靖融、沈介文,2011。” 以遙測與生態調查資料探討溪頭營林區森林地景與生態變遷之研究”,中華林學季刊,第44卷,第3期,445-466頁。(ISSN 0578-1345) |
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衛強、陳鏡明、余瑞珠、鄭景鵬、賴彥任、洪志遠*、江博能、張振生、魏聰輝、蔡明哲、王亞男,2012。”屏東平地造林地二氧化碳通量塔樣區地上部蓄積量與遙測資料相關性研究之初探”,臺大實驗林研究報告,第26卷,第3期,175-189頁。(ISSN 0255-6014) |
14 |
賴彥任、洪志遠、魏聰輝、張振生、江博能、衛強、余瑞珠*、莊振義、謝正義、蔡明哲、王亞男,2012。”溪頭地區二氧化碳通量之初探”,臺大實驗林研究報告,第26卷,第3期,211-224頁。(ISSN 0255-6014) |
15 |
王亞男、蔡明哲、江博能、洪志遠、賴彥任、張振生、魏聰輝、衛強、余瑞珠、鄭景鵬*,2012。”溪頭地區二氧化碳通量長期生態監測試驗地人工林林分構成、林下植物組成之特徵”,臺大實驗林研究報告,第26卷,第3期,225-239頁。(ISSN 0255-6014) |
16 |
衛強、陳鏡明、鄭景鵬、江博能、賴彥任、洪志遠、余瑞珠*、魏聰輝、張振生、蔡明哲、王亞男,2013。”溪頭二氧化碳通量塔樣區不同層級調查技術相關性分析”,中華林學季刊,第46卷,第3期,357-376頁。(ISSN 0578-1345) |
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衛強、魏聰輝、葉惠中、陳彥璋、鄭克聲,2013。”臺大實驗林轄區降雨強度延時頻率分析及降雨等值線之繪製”,臺大實驗林研究報告,第27卷,第1期,49-75頁。(ISSN 0255-6014)(2014刊出) |
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衛強、葉惠中、陳彥璋、鄭克聲,2014。”氣候變遷對臺大實驗林轄區降雨雨型影響之研究臺大實驗林研究報告”,第28卷,第3期,147-165。(ISSN 0255-6014)(2015刊出) |
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衛強、葉惠中、陳彥璋、曹崇銘,2014。”應用遙測與地文資料以共用鄰域法進行陳有蘭溪上游集水區莫拉克颱風新增崩塌地環境敏感度分類之研究”,臺大實驗林研究報告,第28卷,第4期,217-237。(ISSN 0255-6014)(2015刊出) |
20 |
衛強、葉惠中、陳彥璋、鄭克聲,2016。”臺大實驗林轄區不同重現期距延時設計暴雨及年月雨量之序率模擬”,臺大實驗林研究報告第30卷,第3期,153-176。 |
21 |
衛強、曹崇銘、鄭景鵬*,2017。”溪頭-杉林溪北勢溪上游集水區空氣污染空間變異之研究”,臺大實驗林研究報告,第31卷,第4期,243-264。 |
22 |
鄭景鵬、衛強、曹崇銘*、楊勝驛,2018。“溪頭地區不同齡級柳杉人工林最大樹高與林分樹冠受損預測之研究”,臺大實驗林研究報告,第32卷,第1期,37-50。 |
23 |
衛強*、曹崇銘、鄭景鵬 ,2018“結合氣象衛星影像與地面觀測資料進行臺大實驗林溪頭-杉林溪地區空氣污染分布相關性之研究”, 臺大實驗林研究報告,第32卷,第4期,273-284。 |
24 |
鄭景鵬、曹崇銘、衛強* (2019) 溪頭地區孟宗竹林葉面滯塵量之研究。臺大實驗林研究報告 33(2): 133-144。 |
25 |
鄭景鵬、衛強、曹崇銘 (2020) 溪頭森林環境空氣中負離子濃度的季節變動研究。臺大實驗林研究報告 34(1): 67-78。 |
26 |
曹崇銘、衛強、賴彥任、鄭景鵬、蔡明哲 (2020) 溪頭森林環境黑碳細懸浮微粒季節變動之研究。臺大實驗林研究報告 34(2): 151-168。 |
27 |
衛強*、曹崇銘、鄭景鵬、鄭錦桐、紀柏全、沈哲緯、歐宗樺(2020) 鹿谷北勢溪上游地區懸浮微粒空間分布之研究。臺大實驗林研究報告 34(4): 299-318。 |
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曹崇銘、衛強、賴彥任、蔡明哲* (2021) 溪頭及竹山環境臭氧季節變動之比較研究。國立臺灣大學生物資源暨農學院實驗林研究報告 35(3): 215-232。 |
29 |
劉威廷、楊智凱、衛強* (2022) 鳳凰自然教育園區二種櫻屬植物物候表現初探。臺大實驗林研究報告 36(2):129-142。 |
1 |
Cheng, K.S., Chiang Wei, Yen-Ben Cheng, and Hui-Chung Yeh, 2003. Effect of Spatial Variation Characteristics on Contouring of Design Storm Depth, Hydrological Processes 17(9): 1755-1769(SCI paper, ISSN 0885-6087, 2015 IF 2.768, 5-year average: 3.228, WATER RESOURCES, Rank 8/85) |
2 |
Cheng, K.S., Chiang Wei, and S.C. Chang, 2004. Locating Landslides Using Multi-temporal Satellite Images, Advances in Space Research 33(3): 296-301 (SCI paper, ISSN 0273-1177, 2015 IF:1.409, 5-year average: 1.406, GEOSCIENCES, MULTIDISCIPLINARY, Rank 109/184) |
3 |
Wei Chiang, Wei-Chun Hung, Ke-Sheng Cheng, 2006. A Multi-spectral Spatial Convolution Approach of Rainfall Forecasting Using Weather Satellite Imagery, Advances in Space Research, 37(4): 747-753 (SCI paper, ISSN 0273-1177, 2015 IF:1.409, 5-year average: 1.406, GEOSCIENCES, MULTIDISCIPLINARY, Rank 109/184) |
4 |
Wei Chiang, Chin-Ling Lee, Hsin-I Hsieh, Yi-Ru Huang, Yu-San Tseng and Chieh-Wen Shen, 2007. Preliminary Study on the Change of Landscape and Ecology in Sitou Tract of NTU Experimental Forest, Journal of Ecotechnology 3(1): 21-43. |
5 |
Chen Yen-Chang , Chiang Wei and Hui-Chung Yeh, 2008. Rainfall Network Design Using Kriging and Entropy, Hydrological Processes 22(3): 340-346. (SCI paper, ISSN 0885-6087, 2015 IF 2.768, 5-year average: 3.228, WATER RESOURCES, Rank 8/85) |
6 |
Wei Chiang, Farching Lin, Chin-Ling Lee, Yu-San Tseng and I-Ru Chien, 2008. Assessing Wooden Material Application in Ecological Engineering Methods in Taiwan, Journal of Ecotechnology 4(1): 20-42 |
7 |
Hung Chung-Pin, Chiang Wei, Song-Yung Wang, Far-Ching Lin, 2009. The Study on the Carbon Dioxide Sequestration by Applying Wooden Structure on Eco-technological and Leisure Facilities, Renewable Energy 34(8): 1896-1901(SCI paper, ISSN 0960-1481, 2015 IF: 3.404, 5-year average: 4.068, ENERGY & FUELS, Rank 24/88) |
8 |
Yeh Hui-Chung, Yen-Chang Chen, Chiang Wei and Ru-Huei Chen, 2011. Entropy and Kriging Approach to Rainfall Network Design, Paddy and Water Environment 9(3): 343-355 (SCI paper, ISSN 1611-2490, 2015 IF: 0.871, 5-year average: 1.145, AGRONOMY, Rank 43/83) |
9 |
Chen Yen-Chang, Hui-Chung Yeh and Chiang Wei , 2012. Estimation of river pollution index in a tidal stream using kriging analysis, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 9: 3085-3100 (SCI paper, ISSN 1660-4601, 2015 IF: 2.035, 5-year average: 2.471, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES, Rank 101/225) |
10 |
Yeh Hui-Chung, Yen-Chang Chen, Chiang Wei*, 2013. A New Approach to Selecting a Regionalized Design Hyetograph by Principal Component Analysis and Analytic Hierarchy Process, Paddy and Water Environment 11: 73-85. (SCI paper, ISSN 1611-2490, 2015 IF: 0.871, 5-year average: 1.145, AGRONOMY, Rank 43/83) |
11 |
Chen Yen-Chang, Chih-Hung Tan, Chiang Wei*, and Zi-Wen Su, 2014. Cooling Effect of Rivers on Metropolitan Taipei Using Remote Sensing, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 11: 1195-1210 (SCI paper, ISSN 1660-4601, 2015 IF: 2.035, 5-year average: 2.471, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES, Rank 101/225) |
12 |
Chiang Jie-Lun*, Jun-Jih Liou, Chiang Wei and Ke-Sheng Cheng, 2014. A feature-space indicator kriging approach for remote sensing image classification, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 52(7): 4046-4055(SCI paper, ISSN 0196-2892, 2015 IF 3.360, 5-year average: 3.863, REMOTE SESNING, Rank 4/28) |
13 |
Wei Chiang*, Hui-Chung Yeh, Yen-Chang Chen, 2014. Spatiotemporal Scaling Effect on Rainfall Network Design using Entropy, Entropy, 16: 4626-4647. (SCI paper, ISSN 1099-4300, 2015 IF: 1.743, 5-year average: 1.780, PHYSICS, MULTIDISCIPLINARY, Rank 25/79) |
14 |
Edris Hoseinzadeh*, Hasan Khorsandi, Chiang Wei and Mahdi Alipour, Evaluation of Aydughmush River Water Quality Using the National Sanitation Foundation Water Quality (NSFWQI), River Pollution (RPI) and Forestry Water Quality (FWQI) Indices, 2015. Desalination and Water Treatment, 54(11): 2994-3002. (SCI paper, ISSN 1944-3986, 2015 IF: 1.272, 5-year average: 1.245, ENGINEERING, CHEMICAL, Rank 74/135) |
15 |
Edris Hoseinzadeh, Chiang Wei and Ebrahim Chavoshi. Groundwater quality and nitrate pollution modeling: an integrated study of contour mapping and geographic information system, 2016. Desalination and Water Treatment 57(52): 24882-24893 (SCI paper, ISSN 1944-3986, 2015 IF: 1.272, 5-year average: 1.245, ENGINEERING, CHEMICAL, Rank 74/135) |
16 |
Edris Hoseinzadeh, Chiang Wei, Mohammad Reza Samarghandi and Mahdi Safari, 2016. Evaluation of rainwater quality using factor analysis: case study of Khorramabad in western Iran, Desalination and Water Treatment 57(53): 25345-25357 (SCI paper, ISSN 1944-3986, 2015 IF: 1.272, 5-year average: 1.245, ENGINEERING, CHEMICAL, Rank 74/135) |
17 |
Cheng Ching-Peng, Chiang Wei, Ming-Jer Tsai, Tsung-Ming Tsao, 2017. A Weibull model of the impact of thinning and a typhoon event on the stand structure of Cryptomeria japonica in Central Taiwan over 100 years, Journal of Forest Research 22(1): 22-29. (SCI paper, ISSN 1341-6979, 2015 IF: 0.929, 5-year average: 1.121,FORESTRY, Rank 35/66) |
18 |
Yeh Hui-Chung, Yen-Chang Chen, Che-Hao Chang, Cheng-Hsuan Ho and Chiang Wei*, 2017. Rainfall Network Optimization Using Radar and Entropy, Entropy, 19(10), 553 (SCI paper, ISSN 1099-4300, 2017 IF: 2.305, 5-year average: 2.303, PHYSICS, MULTIDISCIPLINARY, Rank 22/78=28.2%) |
19 |
Hoseinzadeh Edris, Parisa Taha, Chiang Wei*, Hatam Godini, Ghulam Md Ashraf, Mahmoud Taghavi, Mohammad Miri, 2018. The Impact of Air pollutants, UV exposure and Geographic Location on Vitamin D deficiency, Food and Chemical Toxicology 113: 241-254. (SCI paper, ISSN: 0278-6915, 2017 IF: 3.977, 5-year average: 3.900, FOOD AND SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY, Rank 10/133=7.5%) |
20 |
Cheng-Chien Liu*, Yi-Hsin Chen, Mei-Heng Margaret Wu, Chiang Wei and Ming-Hsun Ko (2019) Assessment of forest restoration with multi-temporal Formosat-2 imagery, Scientific Reports 9: 7279.(SCI) |
21 |
Hoseinzadeh Edris*, Chiang Wei, Mahdi Farzadkia and Abbas Rezaee* (2020) Effects of Low Frequency-Low Voltage Alternating Electric Current on Apoptosis Progression in Bioelectrical Reactor Biofilm, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 8: 2.(SCI) |
22 |
Yeh Hui-Chung, Yen-Chang Chen, Chiang Wei* (2020) Study on the Risk Map of Dust Storm Pollution Using Indicator Kriging, TAO 31(3): 313-323.(SCI) |
23 |
Wei Chiang*, Ji-Quan Chen, Jing-Ming Chen, Jui-Chu Yu*, Ching-Pong Cheng, Yen-Jen Lai, Po-Neng Chiang, Chih-Yuan Hong, Ming-Jer Tsai and Ya-Nan Wang (2020) Evaluating relationships of standing stock, LAI and NDVI at a subtropical reforestation site in southern Taiwan using field and satellite data, Journal of Forest Research, 25(4): 250-259. (SCI) |
24 |
Reza Barati Rashvanlou; Mahdi Farzadkia; AbbasAli Moserzadeh; Asghar Riazati; Chiang Wei; Edris Hoseinzadeh (2020) Microbial Community Analysis Using MiSeq Sequencing and Pathway of Methane Production in Tehran WWTP: A Full-Scale Anaerobic Digester, Journal of Environmental Health and Sustainable Development 5(3): 1091-102. |
25 |
Chen Yen-Chang, Hui-Chung Yeh, Meen-Wah Gui, Chiang Wei* and Chun-Hsuan He (2021) Estimation of Surface Soil Moisture Content Using Fractals, Environmental monitoring and assessment 193:91 |
26 |
Hoseinzadeh*, Edris, Atena Rostamian, Chiang Wei* and Mahta Razaghi (2021) Waterborne transmission of protozoan parasites: Review of protozoan parasites in water resources in Iran - An update 2020, Desalination and Water Treatment 213: 91-105. |
01 |
陳葦庭、衛強、鄭克聲,1998。”山坡地開發之水文設計參數評估”,八十七年度農業工程研討會論文集,471-478。 |
02 |
鄭克聲、衛強,1999。“遙測與地理資訊系統應用於集水區水文模擬之技術探討”, 八十八年度農業工程研討會發表論文。 |
03 |
鄭克聲、衛強、葉惠中,2000。”氣象衛星影像應用於降雨量估計之研究”,八十九年度農業工程研討會論文集,623-631。 |
04 |
衛強、鄭克聲,2001。”氣象衛星影像應用於雨量估計之研究”,第十二屆水利工程研討會論文集,K17-24。 |
05 |
衛強、鄭克聲,2001。”應用GMS氣象衛星於空間與時間雨量推估之研究”,九十年度農業工程研討會論文集,603-612。 |
06 |
鄭克聲、衛強,2001。”氣象衛星影像應用於雨量預報之研究(一)”,農業水資源經營技術八十九年度計畫成果發表討論會論文集,182-202。 |
07 |
衛強、鄭克聲,2002。”應用GMS氣象衛星於空間與時間雨量推估之研究”,第十三屆水利工程研討會論文集,K22-29。 |
08 |
鄭克聲、衛強,2002。”氣象衛星影像應用於雨量預報之研究(二)”,農業水資源經營技術九十年度計畫成果發表討論會論文集,187-207。 |
09 |
鄭克聲、張尊國、李達源、鄭秀卿、衛強,2003 空間模式應用於農地重金屬污染範圍之界定 2003年資訊科技在農業之應用研討會論文集,台灣農業資訊科技發展協會。 |
10 |
衛強、鄭克聲,2006。”應用氣象衛星影像於臺灣中部山區小型集水區進行雨量預報之可行性研究”,九十五年度農業工程研討會論文集。 |
11 |
陳彥璋、葉惠中、衛強、陳茹惠,2007。”以連續機率分佈及克利金建構雨量站網”,第十六屆水利工程研討會論文集,310-317,聯合大學。 |
12 |
衛強、洪崇彬、王松永、林法勤,2007。”臺灣地區應用木質材料於生態工程與休閒設施之結構監測與二氧化碳減量之效益評估”,2007 土木與生態工程研討會論文集,義守大學。 |
13 |
衛強、王松永、洪崇彬、林法勤、簡沂如、李金玲、曾郁珊、賴靖融,2008。”臺灣地區應用木質材料於生態工程之結構監測與效益評估”,第十七屆水利工程研討會論文集,逢甲大學。 |
14 |
衛強、李金玲、廖煥彰、田佩玲、黃憶汝、曾郁珊、賴靖融、沈介文,2008。” 以遙測與生態調查資料探討溪頭營林區森林地景與生態變遷之研究”,第六屆海峽兩岸山地災害與與環境保育學術研討會論文集,逢甲大學。 |
15 |
衛強,林法勤,簡沂如,2008。”木質構造攔砂壩結構變位監測”, 2008土木與生態工程研討會,義守大學。 |
16 |
衛強、魏聰輝、陳彥璋、葉惠中、江介倫,2009。”以離散資訊熵及地理統計法進行雨量站網設計之研究”,第十八屆水利工程研討會論文集,屏東科技大學。 |
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江介倫、衛強、許駿騰、吳若穎、胡茵婷,2009。”地理資訊系統及HEC-HMS應用於集水區降雨逕流模擬之評估”, 第十八屆水利工程研討會論文集,屏東科技大學。 |
18 |
衛強、林法勤、李金玲、黃憶汝、簡沂如,2009。”臺大實驗林溪頭營林區木格床擋土牆於植生復育之初步研究”,2009年土木與生態工程研討會,義守大學。 |
19 |
葉惠中、衛強、陳彥璋,2013。”結合共用鄰域法與K均值法於分類技術之研究”,第21屆水利工程研討會,國立宜蘭大學。 |
20 |
葉惠中、衛強,2014。”結合共用鄰域法與K均值法改良分類技術之研究”,第33屆測量及空間資訊研討會暨國土測繪成果發表會,國立臺灣大學。 |
21 |
衛強、葉惠中、陳彥璋、曹崇銘,2014。”應用遙測與地文資料以共用鄰域法進行崩塌地分類之研究”, 中華林學會103年森林資源永續發展研討會,國立中興大學。 |
22 |
衛強、葉惠中、陳彥璋,2015。應用遺傳演算決策樹法於崩塌地災害潛勢之分析,第33屆測量及空間資訊研討會暨國土測繪成果發表會,國立宜蘭大學。 |
23 |
衛強、葉惠中、陳彥璋、鄭克聲,2015。”臺大實驗林轄區降雨強度延時頻率分析及降雨等值線繪製之研究”, 中華林學會104年森林資源永續發展研討會,國立嘉義大學。 |
24 |
蔡明哲、梁治文、陳和田、衛強*、賴彥任、江博能、王介鼎、王鍾毅 2016 臺灣地區森林碳匯潛力之評估-以臺大實驗林為例 第九屆海峽兩岸森林經理學術研討會 中國湖南省長沙市。 |
25 |
衛強、葉惠中,2017。” 利用新一代向日葵八號氣象衛星於陳有蘭溪集水區雨量預報之研究 (I)” 第36屆測量及空間資訊研討會(SG36) 國立成功大學。 |
26 |
葉惠中、衛強,2017。” 以特徵空間為導向克利金估計法應用之研究” 第36屆測量及空間資訊研討會(SG36) 國立成功大學。 |
27 |
衛強、葉惠中、陳彥璋、鄭克聲, 2017。 ”臺大實驗林轄區不同重現期距延時設計暴雨及年月雨量之序率模擬” 2017年 中 華 林 學 會 論 文 發 表 會 國立宜蘭大學。 |
28 |
衛強、葉惠中,2018。” 利用新一代向日葵八號氣象衛星於陳有蘭溪集水區雨量預報之研究 (II)” 第37屆測量及空間資訊研討會(SG37) 國立中央大學。 |
29 |
衛強、曹崇銘、鄭景鵬,2018。”結合氣象衛星影像與地面觀測資料進行林地空氣污染分布相關性之研究” 107年森林資源永續發展研討會 國立中興大學。 |
30 |
衛強、曹崇銘、鄭景鵬, 2019。 向日葵八號氣象衛星與測站空污資料相關性之研究 108年森林資源永續發展研討會 中國文化大學。 |
31 |
衛強、曹崇銘、鄭景鵬、鄭錦桐、紀柏全、沈哲緯、歐宗樺,2020。鹿谷北勢溪上游地區懸浮微粒空間分布之研究 109年森林資源永續發展研討會 國立中興大學。 |
32 |
衛強*、賴彥任、劉威廷、王秋雄、周聖馨。2021。鳳凰自然教育園區櫻花預報之初步研究。110年森林資源永續發展研討會。嘉義。110年10月28-29日 國立嘉義大學。 |
33 |
Cheng, K. S. and Chiang Wei, 2001. A Spatial and Temporal Rainfall Apportionment Scheme Using GMS Satellite Imagery. International Conference on Mesoscale Meteorology and Typhoon in East Asia, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., 409-411. (accepted for oral presentation) |
34 |
Cheng, K. S., Chiang Wei and S.C. Chang, 2002. Landslide Monitoring Using SPOT Satellite Imagery. 34th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Houston, Texas, U.S.A. (accepted for oral presentation) |
35 |
Cheng, K. S., and Chiang Wei, 2003. Rainfall Forecasting Using GMS Weather Satellite Images. International Conference of GIS and Remote Sensing in Hydrology, Water Resources and Environment, Yi-Chang, China. (accepted for oral presentation) |
36 |
Wei Chiang, S.C. Cheng, K.S. Cheng, T.K. Chang, D. Y. Lee, 2003. Delineation of Soil-Contaminated Zones by Spatial Analysis and Random Field Simulation. International Conference of GIS and Remote Sensing in Hydrology, Water Resources and Environment, Yi-Chang, China. (accepted for oral presentation) |
37 |
Yen-Chang Chen, Hui-Chung Yeh and Chiang Wei, 2004. Rainfall Network Design Using Kriging and Entropy. The Sixth International Conference on Hydro-science and Engineering, Brisbane, Australia. (accepted for oral presentation) |
38 |
Cheng K.S. and Chiang Wei, 2004. Real-time Rainfall Forecasting Using GMS Imagery – A Multi-spectral Spatial Convolution (MSSC) Approach, 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Paris, France. (accepted for oral presentation) |
39 |
Wei Chiang and K.S. Cheng, 2006. Study on Rainfall Forecasting Using Weather Satellite Imagery in a Small Watershed Located at Mountainous Area of Central Taiwan, 36th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Beijing, China. (accepted for poster presentation) |
40 |
Wei Chiang, 2007. Monitoring the Change of Three Landslide Sites in Sitou Tract of NTU Experimental Forest by Using Multi-temporal Satellite Images. Proceedings of 2007 Remote Sensing Symposium across Taiwan Strait, Center for Space and Remote Sensing Research, National Central University, Chung-Li, Taiwan. (accepted for oral presentation) |
41 |
Wei Chiang, Farching Lin, Chin-Ling Lee and Yu-San Tseng, 2007. Assessment and Monitoring of Wooden Material Applied on Ecological Technique in Taiwan, Advances in Forest and Natural Management Symposium: Sustainability, Integration, Modeling, and Technologies, School of Forestry and Resource Conservation, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. (accepted for oral presentation) |
42 |
Chung-Pin Hung, Song-Yung Wang, Chiang Wei and Far-Ching Lin, 2007. The Study on the Carbon Dioxide Sequestration by Applying Wooden Structure on Eco-technological and Leisure Facilities. 2007 World Renewable Energy Conference – Pacific Rim Region, Taipei, Taiwan. (accepted for oral presentation) |
43 |
Yi-Ju Chien, Far-Ching Lin, Chiang Wei, Chung-Pin Hung, Song-Yung Wang, 2008. The Estimation of Carbon Sequestration by Using Plantation Wood as Eco-technological Material in Taiwan. Forest Product Society 62nd International Convention, St. Louis, Missouri, U. S. A. (accepted for poster presentation) |
44 |
Wei Chiang, Chin-Ling Lee, Huan-Chang Liao, Pei-Ling Tien, Yi-Ru Huang, Yu-San Tseng, Jing Rong Lai and Chieh-Wen Shen, 2008. Study on the Change of Landscape and Ecology of Sitou Forestland by Using Remotely Sensed and Ecological Investigation Data. 37th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Montreal, Canada. (accepted for poster presentation) |
45 |
Chiang J. L. , C. Wei, Y. B. Lin, K. S. Cheng and H. P. Chiu, 2009. Statistical significance of landcover change detection using multitemporal satellite images. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2009, Vienna, Austria. (accepted for poster presentation) |
46 |
Chiang J. L., Y. B. Lin, C. Wei, and H. Y. Wu., 2009. Knowledge-Based Scale Transfer Approach for Image Fusion. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2009, Vienna, Austria. (accepted for poster presentation) |
47 |
Wei Chiang., P.S. Yang, and P.L. Tian, 2009. Assessing the ecological base and peak flow of the alpine streams in central Taiwan. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2009, Vienna, Austria. (accepted for oral presentation) |
48 |
Wei Chiang, J. L. Chiang, T.H. Wey, H. C. Yeh and Y.C. Cheng, 2009. Rainfall Network Design using Entropy and Kriging Approach. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2009, Vienna, Austria. (accepted for oral presentation) |
49 |
Wei Chiang, P.S. Yang, and P.L. Tian, 2010. Assessing the ecological base flow in an experimental watershed of Central Taiwan. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2010, Vienna, Austria. (accepted for poster presentation) |
50 |
Wei Chiang, J. L. Chiang, T.H. Wey, H. C. Yeh and Y.C., 2010. Cheng. Rain Gauges Network Design using Discrete Entropy and Kriging Approach. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2010, Vienna, Austria. (accepted for poster presentation) |
51 |
Chiang Jie-Lun, C. Wei and C. H. Yeh., 2010. Suspended sediment forecasting in Gao-Pen River using artificial neural network. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2010, Vienna, Austria. (accepted for poster presentation) |
52 |
Wei Chiang, C. L Lee, P. L. Tien, H. C Liao, Y. R. Huang, Y. S. Tseng, J. R Lai, C. W Shen, 2010. Study on the Change of Landscape and Ecology of Sitou Tract Using Remotely Sensed and Ecological Investigation Data, 2010 International Symposium on Forest Biodiversity and Conservation, Sitou, Taiwan. (accepted for poster presentation) |
53 |
Cheng B.Y., C Wei, M. L Lin and F.C Lin., 2010. The Structural Analysis and Performance of Wood Cellular Retaining Wall, World Conference on Timber Engineering 2010, Riva del Garda, Trentino, Italy. (accepted for poster presentation) |
54 |
Wang Ya-Nang, Raymond Leong and Chiang Wei., 2010. Monitoring the change of National Taiwan University Experimental Forest land using remotely sensed data. 2010 International Symposium on Environmental Monitoring in East Asia - Remote Sensing and Field Research for Forest and Precipitation Monitoring, Kanazawa University, Japan. (accepted for oral presentation) |
55 |
Wei Chiang, Ping-Shih Yang, Pei-Ling Tian, 2011. Evaluating the ecohydrology of microhabitat in an experimental watershed of Central Taiwan, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011, Vienna, Austria. (accepted for poster presentation) |
56 |
Chiang Jie-Lun and Chiang Wei, 2011. Drought Prediction Using Artificial Neural Network. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011, Vienna, Austria. (accepted for poster presentation) |
57 |
Wei Chiang, Ya-Nan Wang and Tso-Huey Wey, 2011. Evaluation on rain gauge network design between extreme heavy rainfall event and long-term data using kriging and entropy. Proceedings of the Fourth Conference of Asian University Forest: International Symposium on Long-term Monitoring Experiments of University Forest, 27-33, Nantou, Taiwan. (accepted for oral presentation) |
58 |
Wang Ya-Nan, Chiang Wei and Chia-Lin Tseng, 2011. Growth of Cryptomeria japonica D. Don at the Sien-Jin Permanent Plot of NTUEF Chingshueigau Tract. The Fourth Conference of Asian University Forest: International Symposium on Long-term Monitoring Experiments of University Forest, Nantou, Taiwan. (accepted for poster presentation) |
59 |
Wei Chiang, Jing-Ming Chen, Jui-Chu Yu, Yen-Jen Lai, Chih-Yuan Hong, Po-Neng Chiang, Cheng-Sheng Chang, Tsong-Hue Wey, Ming-Jer Tsai and Ya-Nan Wang, 2012. Evaluating the relationships between aboveground biomass, LAI and NDVI using field and remotely sensed data at subtropical Cryptomeria japonica D. Don plantation site of Central Taiwan, 2012 American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, U.S.A. (accepted for poster presentation) |
60 |
Wei Chiang, Jing-Ming Chen, Ji-Quan Chen, Jui-Chu Yu, Ching-Pong Cheng, Yen-Jen Lai, Po-Neng Chiang, Chih-Yuan Hong, Cheng-Sheng Chang, Tsong-Hue Wey, Ming-Jer Tsai and Ya-Nan Wang, 2013. Preliminary study on the relationships between aboveground storage and remotely sensed data at Pingdong plain afforestation land in Southern Taiwan, 2013 American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, U.S.A. (accepted for poster presentation) |
61 |
Wei Chiang, Tsong-Hue Wey, Hui-Chung Yeh, Yen-Chang Chen, Ke-Sheng Cheng and Ya-Nan Wang, 2014. Spatio-temporal distribution of rainfall at NTU Experimental Forest for climate change in central Taiwan, 24th IUFRO World Congress, Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S.A. (accepted for poster presentation) |
62 |
Wei Chiang, Hui-Chung Yeh, Yen-Chang Chen, 2015. Assessment on the classification of landslide risk level using Genetic Algorithm of Operation Tree in central Taiwan. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015, Vienna, Austria. (accepted for poster presentation) |
63 |
Wei Chiang, Hui-Chung Yeh, Yen-Chang Chen, 2015. Spatiotemporal scaling effect on rainfall network design for sustainable forest monitoring, The 2015 International symposium on sustainable forest ecosystem management in rapid changing world, National Chiayi University, Chiayi, Taiwan. (accepted for oral presentation) |
64 |
Wei Chiang, Hui-Chung Yeh, Yen-Chang Chen and Ke-Sheng Cheng, 2015. Study on the variation of rainfall hyetograph due to climate change in National Taiwan University Experimental Forest area. The Sixth Symposium of Asian University Forest Consortium: Taiwan International Symposium of University Forest, Nantou, Taiwan. (accepted for poster presentation) |
65 |
Wei Chiang, Raymond Leong and Ming-Jer Tsai, 2016. Long-term monitoring of forestland in NTUEF by Remote Sensing, GIS and GPS, 7th Symposium of Asian University Forest Consortium, Furano, Hokkaido, Japan. (accepted for poster presentation) |
66 |
Wei Chiang, Hui-Chung Yeh, Yen-Chang Chen, 2017. Assessment on spatiotemporal relationship between rainfall and cloud top temperature from new generation weather satellite imagery. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017 Vienna, Austria. (accepted for poster presentation) |
67 |
Tsung-Ming Tsao, Chiang Wei, Ching-Peng Cheng, 2018. Study on monitoring of black carbon concentration in a forest environment, 15th annual meeting of Asia Oceania Geoscience Society, Honolulu, Hawaii. (accepted for poster presentation) |
68 |
Cheng Ching-Peng, Tsung Ming Tsao, Chiang Wei, 2018. Seasonal Variation of Negative Air Ion Concentration in a Forest Environment, 15th annual meeting of Asia Oceania Geoscience Society, Honolulu, Hawaii. (accepted for poster presentation). |
69 |
Wei Chiang, Tsung-Ming Tsao and Ching-Peng Cheng, 2018. Assessing the Relationship of Air Pollutants and Cloud Top Temperature Using Meteorological Satellite in Xitou Watershed(accepted for oral presentation)NTU – UTokyo Joint Workshop on Long-term Monitoring and Data Analysis for Ecosystem Services in Asian University Forests, Xitou, Taiwan. |
70 |
Wei Chiang, Hui-Chung Yeh, Yen-Chang Chen, 2018. Rainfall estimation using Himawari-8 meteorological satellite imagery in Central Taiwan, 20th International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation, Istanbul, Turkey. (accepted for poster presentation) |
71 |
Cheng Ching-Peng, Chiang Wei, Tsung-Ming Tsao, 2018. Study on dust-retention ability of Moso bamboo forest in Xitou area, 2018 SFEM/IUFRO 4.02.02, Sun Moon Lake, Nantou, Taiwan. (accepted for poster presentation) |
72 |
Wei Chiang, Hui-Chung Yeh and Yen-Chang Chen, 2018. Study on Rainfall Forecasting Using New Generation Himawari-8 Meteorological Satellite Imagery in Central Taiwan, 2018 American Geophysical Union, Washington D.C., U.S.A. (accepted for poster presentation) |
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Wei Chiang, Tsung-Ming Tsao and Ching-Peng Cheng 2019. Spatial distribution of air pollution integrating Himawari-8 satellite imagery, International Symposium on Forest Sustainability Science and Application, Xitou, Taiwan. (accepted for poster presentation) |
74 |
Cheng Ching-Peng, Tsung-Ming Tsao and Chiang Wei 2019. Study on the Change of Seasonal Factors to Negative Air Ion Concentration in the Xitou Forest Area, 16th Annual Meeting, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, Singapore. (accepted for oral presentation) |
75 |
Tsao Tsung-Ming, Chiang Wei and Cheng Ching-Peng 2019. Seasonal Variation of Air Pollution in a Forest Environment, 16th Annual Meeting, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, Singapore. (accepted for oral presentation) |
01 |
衛強,2003。 ”應用氣象衛星影像於雨量推估之研究”,國立臺灣大學生物環境系統工程學研究所博士論文,217頁。 |
02 |
王亞男、衛強,2008。「山坡地保育 工法有創意」在溪頭看見生態工程,東南科技大學。 |
03 |
Ya-Nan Wang, Chiang Wei, Jui-Chu Yu and Ming-Jer Tsai, 2011. A Short Report on “2010 International Symposium on Forest CO2 Flux “, AsiaFlux Newsletter, due on March 2011. |
04 |
國立臺灣大學生物資源暨農學院實驗林管理處 2017。一起到森林散步-溪頭自然教育園區環境教育解說手冊 以生態工法重建的溪頭,257頁。 |
05 |
國立科學工藝博物館 2017。森林與我-永續 歲月 人間 特展專輯,「森林與”我”」專文。 |
06 |
劉正千、衛強、陳易辛、柯明勳、傅淑瑋、葉堃生 2018 運用遙測影像於崩塌區復育造林成效定量評估之研究。台灣林業 44(2): 22-31。 |
07 |
TSAI Ming-Jer, Shing-Wang LIU, Chiang WEI, 2019. NATIONAL TAIWAN UNIVERSITY EXPERIMENTAL FOREST: ITS PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE in: Developing a Network of Long-term Research Field Stations to Monitor Environmental Changes and Ecosystem Responses in Asian Forests The University of Tokyo Forests Press, Tokyo. |
研究設備: |
Garmin GPS V及 60CSx 中文版各1組 |
Tipping Bucket傾倒式自記雨量計及HOBO紀錄器23組、Shuttle資料讀取器1組 |
BARO 壓力感應式水位計8組、資料讀取器1組 |
小型量水堰及紀錄器1組 |
小型自動紀錄氣象儀器1組 |
Price 流速儀1組 |
自動水質採樣器1台 |
TRAC 葉面積指數儀1套 |
MS-27 立體鏡, 軌道組及照明器1組 |
雙人立體觀察鏡1組 |
掌上型立體鏡1個 |
Garmin eTrex 30X 衛星定位儀GPS |
Garmin VIRB 泛用型高畫質運動攝影機 |
TDR 200 土壤含水率儀器1組 |
VOC氣體偵測器1組 |
掌上型風速/照度/溫/濕度 簡易氣象儀1組 |
數位單眼相機2台 |
魚眼鏡頭1個 |
微距鏡頭2個 |
DJI P4P 空拍機, IS-2, P4-M |
PIX4D Mapper Pro 空拍影像處理系統 |
TES 5321 PM2.5 監測器1組 |
智慧防災盒監測儀器 12組 |
Garmin GPS V及 60CSx 中文版各1組 |
研究重點: |
1. 結合產官學防災科技資源於公私部門災防應用之研究-以溪頭自然教育園區為例
2. 利用新一代氣象衛星影像進行雲頂溫度與降雨量不同時空尺度相關性之研究
3. 運用光學衛星影像於 106 年全島崩塌地判釋與災害分析
4. 竹山鹿谷地區空氣污染空間分布之研究-I
5. JSPS國際合作亞洲實驗林氣候與水文群組第一階段試驗研究 RG1
6. JSPS國際合作亞洲實驗林 RG3 日本柳杉林分自我疏伐之比較研究-以臺灣大學及日本束京大學實臉林地區為例
7. 空氣污染空間分布與監測
8. 櫻花物候監測與花期預報
9. UAV環境監測應用
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