項目 相關資料
姓 名: 王介鼎
研究領域: 群體遺傳學和演化生物學,生物多樣性,植物功能性基因組學,林木分子遺傳學,植物開花調節機制、森林碳滙
聯絡方式: 聯絡電話:049-2701004
近年研究成果: 期刊論文
01. Wang, C. T., Wang, W.Y., Chiang, C. H., Wang, Y. N., and Lin, T. P. 1996 Low genetic variation in Amentotaxus formosana Li revealed by isozyme analysis and random amplified polymorphic DNA markers. Heredity 7: 88-95 (SCI, IF: 4.122)。
02. Wang, C. T. and Lin, T.P. 1998 Inheritance and linkage relationships of allozymes, and estimation of outcrossing rates in Cunninghamia Konishii Hay. of a clonal garden. Silvae genetica 47(1): 33-37 (SCI, IF:0.543 )。
03. Lin, T. P. Wang, C. T., and Yang, J konishii, and co. C. 1998 Allozyme variation in five geographic area of Cunninghamia mparison of genetic diversity between C. konishii and C. lanceolata. J. Heredity 89(4): 370-373 (SCI, IF: 2.052)。
04. Mohamed, R., Wang, C.T., Ma, C., Shevchenko, O., Dye S.J., Puzey, J.R., Etherington E., Sheng, X., Meilan, R., Strauss, S., Brunner A.M. 2010 Populus CEN/TFL1 regulates first onset of flowering, axillary meristem identity and dormancy release in Populus. Plant J. 62(4): 674-688. (Co- first author with a cover picture ) (SCI, IF:6.946)。
05. Fernandez*, D. E., Wang*, C. T., Zheng, Y., Adamczyk, B. J., Singhal, R., Hall, P. K., & Perry, S. E. 2014 The MADS-domain factors AGAMOUS-LIKE15 and AGAMOUS-LIKE18, along with SHORT VEGETATIVE PHASE and AGAMOUS-LIKE24, are necessary to block floral gene expression during the vegetative phase.  Plant physiology, 165(4):1591-1603. ( equal contribution author, SCI, IF: 6.456)
06. Lin, L. D., Chang, F. C., Ko, C. H., & Wang, C. T. (2016) Bamboo-Derived Fuel from Dendrocalamus latiflorus, Phyllostachys makinoi, and Phyllostachys pubescens Waste. BioResources, 11(4): 8425-8434.
07. Chen*, Y. C., Wang*, C. T., Lees, D. C., & Wu, L. W. (2017) Higher DNA insert fragment sizes improve mitogenomic assemblies from metagenomic pyrosequencing datasets: an example using Limenitidinae butterflies (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae).  Mitochondrial DNA Part A, 29(6), 840-845. (equal contribution author; SCI)
08. Huang,Chiun-Jr, Fang-Hua Chu, Shau-Chian Liu, Yu-HsinTseng, Yi-Shiang Huang, Li-Ting Ma, Chieh-Ting Wang, Ya Ting You, Shuo-yu Hsu, Hsiang-Chih Hsieh, Chi-Tsong Chen, Chi-Hsiang Chao (2018). Isolation and characterization of SSR and EST‐SSR loci in Chamaecyparis formosensis (Cupressaceae). Applications in plant sciences, 6(8): e01175. (SCI)
09. Chieh-Ting Wang, Lang-Dong Lin, Yu-Wei Yeh, Roland Kirschner (2021) First record of Plasmopara sphagneticolae (Peronosporales, Oomycota) in Taiwan. Fungal Science 36(1): 23–32
10. Chiun-Jr Huang, Fang-Hua Chu, Yi-Shiang Huang, Yu-Ching Tu, Yu-Mei Hung, Yu-Hsin Tseng, Chang-En Pu, Cheng Te Hsu, Chi-Hsiang Chao, Yu-Shyang Chou, Shau-Chian Liu, Ya Ting You, Shuo-Yu Hsu, Hsiang-Chih Hsieh, Chieh-Ting Wang & Chi-Tsong Chenet al. (2022) SSR individual identification system construction and population genetics analysis for Chamaecyparis formosensis. Sci Rep 12, 4126.
11. 趙怡姍, 王亞男, 王介鼎 2012 DNA 生物條碼在森林之應用. 臺灣大學生物資源暨農學院實驗林研究報告 26(4):299-304.
12. 陳潔音, 王介鼎, 王亞男, 蕭文偉. 2013 臺大實驗林和社樹木標本園大型真菌調查之分析. 臺灣大學生物資源暨農學院實驗林研究報告 27(1): 25-32.
13. 陳潔音、顏江河、蕭文偉、王介鼎、王亞男 2014 有益土壤微生物施用對臺灣肖楠及羅漢松苗木苗期病害及介質性質之研究 林業研究季刊 36(3):183-192
14. 郭福麟、陳德仁、王介鼎2015 溪頭地區柳杉人工林內苗木庫及地被植群之調查 臺大實驗林研究報告 29(4):237-247 (通訊作者)
15. 陳勇至; 王亞男; 王介鼎. 2016總體基因體學在森林學上的應用. 臺灣大學生物資源暨農學院實驗林研究報告 30(2): 139-152. (通訊作者)
16. 陳陽發, 王介鼎, 楊平世, 王億傑2016 臺大實驗林溪頭自然教育園區螢火蟲資源調查. 臺灣大學生物資源暨農學院實驗林研究報告 30(1): 11-26。
17. 郭福麟、王介鼎 2016 溪頭地區鳳凰山之大樹及珍貴樹木調查 臺灣大學生物資源暨農學院實驗林研究報告 30(4): 313-318。 (通訊作者)
18. 陳勇至、王亞男、陳忠義、郭福麟、 周宏祈、王介鼎 2017 五種原生樹種在復育造林地初期生長之研究 臺灣大學生物資源暨農學院實驗林研究報告 31(1): 5166。 (通訊作者)
19. 陳陽發, 張正暐, 王介鼎* 2017 臺大實驗林和社自然教育園區蜘蛛多樣性初步調查 (蛛形綱:真蛛目)) 臺灣大學生物資源暨農學院實驗林研究報告, 31(2):101-110。 (通訊作者)
20. 楊韻平, 王介鼎, 周宏祈, 王亞男, 陳忠義, 陳勇至 2017 柳杉光合作用對季節與方位之反應. 中華林學季刊, 50(1), 1-17。
21. 郭福麟, 劉威廷, 王介鼎* 2018 對高岳紅檜生態保育區預定地之大樹及稀有珍貴植物調查. 臺灣大學生物資源暨農學院實驗林研究報告32(2):123-138. (通訊作者)
22. 陳勇至, 陳忠義, 陳秋萍, 王介鼎, 周宏祈 2020 陳陽發 兩個相鄰人工林分細菌相調查 國立臺灣大學農學院實驗林研究報告 34(4):283-298。
23. 王介鼎, 葉昱緯, 林蘭東, 羅南德 2021  法國梧桐白粉菌Erysiphe platani與桑樹白粉菌E. mori在臺灣的首次紀錄。國立臺灣大學農學院實驗林研究報告 35(1):39-48。
24. 陳勇至, 周宏祈, 葉開溫, 王亞男, 王介鼎 2021  溫度與逆境對於青脆枝喜樹鹼生合成基因之影響。國立臺灣大學生物資源暨農學院實驗林研究報告 35 (2): 79-92。

Conference Abstract
01. Lin, T. P., Wang C.T., and Yang, C.Y. (1996) Isoenzyme variation within and among population of Cunninghamia Konishii. Meeting of the IUFRO Unit on diversity and adaptation in forest ecosystems in a changing world, August 5-9, Vancouver, B. C., Canada 。
02. Wang, C. T., McCaig, B.C., Dean, J.F.D. (2002) An iron-responsive laccase-type multicopper oxidase in young roots of Arabidopsis thaliana. XI International symposium on Iron Nutrition and Interaction in Plant. June 23-28, Udine, Italy。
03. Wang, C. T., and Dean, J.F.D. (2005) Functional analysis of a laccase-like multicopper oxidase (LMCO) in Arabidopsis thaliana. 16th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research, June 15-19, Madison, WI, USA。
04. Wang, C.T., Hurst, E, Fujino, T., Etherington, E., Brunner, A. M. (2006) Genomics approaches to tree domestication for enhanced biomass Dean’s Forum on Energy Security and Sustainability, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, October 16, Blacksburg , VA, USA 。
05. Wang, C.T., Puzey, J., Etherington, E., Page, G., Brunner, A.M. (2007) Functional genomics of flowering in Populus. Plant Biology & Botany joint congress, July 7-11, Chicago, IL, USA。
06 Wang, C.T., Puzey J.P., Page, G., Brunner, A.M. (2009) Genes regulating flowering and dormancy in Populus. 30th Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference, May 31-June 3, Blacksburg, VA, USA。
07. Brunner A.M., Wang, C.T., Fujino, T., Sheng, X., Page, G., Mohamed, R., Strauss, S. (2009) Regulation of shoot meristem identity and activity in poplar. 2009 IUFRO Tree Biotechnology Conference, June 28 – July 2, Whislter, BC, Canada。
08. Wang, C.T., Fernandez D. (2011) The MADS-domain Factors AGL15, AGL18, AGL24 and SVP Act Redundantly to Prevent Premature FT Expression and Leaf Curling. International Conference on Arabidopsis Research, June 22-28, Madison, WI, USA。                                   
09. Chiou-Pin Chen, Hong-Chyi Jhou, Chieh-Ting Wang, Yung-Chih Chen (2018) The Investigation of Soil Bacterial Community between Three Forest Types in the Experimental Forest, NTU. NTU – UTokyo Joint Workshop on Long-term Monitoring and Data Analysis for Ecosystem Services in Asian University Forests.(Poster). Nantou, Taiwan. 2018.06.25.
10. Chieh-Ting Wang, Yung-Chih Chen, Hong-Chyi Jhou, Fu-Lin Kuo (2018) Characterization of growth in a Taiwania cryptomerioides clonal seed orchard in Xitou, Taiwan.  NTU – UTokyo Joint Workshop on Long-term Monitoring and Data Analysis for Ecosystem Services in Asian University Forests. Nantou, Taiwan. 2018.06.25.
11. Kaitlin Ramspeck, Chiou-Pin Chen, Chieh-Ting Wang, Ching-Yu Huang 2017 Comparison of Soil Physical and Chemical Properties and Soil Invertebrate Communities between Organic and Conventional Tea Plantations in Taiwan. MANAGING GLOBAL RESOURCES FOR A SECURE FUTURE 2017 Annual Meeting, , Tampa, FL, USA Oct. 22~25. (poster)
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