Vol.02 No.4
0241 | 李國忠、吳俊賢 美材進口通路分析與效益測定 |
182;2(4):1-25 |
1988 |
A Distribution Analysis and Effect Testing of America Wood Matemals in Taiwan | |||
0242 | 陳永寬 獨立模型法空中三角區域平差個案研究 |
182;2(4):27-46 |
1988 |
A Case Study on Block on Block Adjustment by the Method of Independent Models Trianguation | |||
0243 | 林曉洪、王松永 防火劑噴霧處理對造林木材之抗燃性改善效應 |
182;2(4):47-57 |
1988 |
The Improving Efficiency of Fire - Resistance of Plantation Forest Wood by Spraying Fire Retardants | |||
0244 | 吳順昭、王義仲 直幹及耳莢相思樹材質特性之研究 |
182;2(4):59-88 |
1988 |
The Wood Properties of Acacia Mangium and Acacia Auriculiformis | |||
0245 | 蘇鴻傑、王立志 臺灣北部南勢溪上游集水區之森林植群 |
182;2(4):89-100 |
1988 |
Forest Vegetations in the upper Nanshihchi Watershed of Northern Taiwan | |||
0246 |
姚榮鼐 基因庫與林木育種 |
182;2(4):101-109 |
1988 |
Gene Pool and Tree Breeding | |||
0247 |
廖日京 大巨木之移植 |
182;2(4):111-121 |
1988 |
The Transplantation of big trees | |||
0248 |
楊世平、劉淵儒 昆蟲之旅-溪頭 |
182;2(4):123-124 |
1988 |
Butterfley visiting in Chitou |
Vol.02 No.3
0231 | 李國忠 新古典資本形成與生產容力擴充模式--紙漿造紙工業 |
181;2(3):1-16 |
1988 |
The Neoclassical Model of Capital Formation and Capacity Expansion for the Pulp and Paper Industry | |||
0232 | 王松永、蔡明哲 鉻化砷酸鉰、鉻化硼酸銅與石蠟處理對柳杉與杉木材野餐桌之耐候性的改善效應 |
1988 |
The Improving Effects on Weathering - Resistance of Picnic - Tables Made from Japanese - Cedar and China - Fir Woods Treated with CCA. CCB and Paraffin - Wax | |||
0233 | 簡文村、李春來、李正和 高含油量品系樟樹之選育與推廣 |
181;2(3):31-45 |
1988 |
Selection of High Oil - Content Strains of Camphor Tree ( Cinnamomum Camphora ) ( Linn ) ( SIEB ) and Cultivation of its seedlings for Plantation Imptementation | |||
0234 | 郭寶章、劉一新、呂正吉 松鼠類動物為害之鑑定與評估 |
181;2(3):47-58 |
1988 |
Identification and Assessment of Animal Damage Caused by Tree Squirrel and Flying Squirrels | |||
0235 | 廖日京、田中進 臺灣獼猴之食餌樹木 |
181;2(3):59-65 |
1988 |
About Edible Tree Species for Formosan Monkey ( Macaca Cyclopis ) in Taiwan |
Vol.02 No.2
0221 | 姜家華、王亞男、林世宗、陳明穗 臺灣赤楊、木荷種子不同溫度貯藏之研究 |
180;2(2):1-6 |
1988 |
Studies on the Storage of Seeds of Alnus formosana, Schima superba at Different Temperature | |||
0222 |
王松永 臺灣主要經濟樹種材質之基礎研究 (Ⅲ)臺灣冷杉、臺灣雲杉及巒大杉之比重收縮纖維飽和點之變異性 |
180;2(2):7-26 |
1988 |
Studies on the Fundamental Propertier of the Economical Tree Species in Taiwan ( Ⅲ ) The Variability of Specific Gravity, Shrinkage and Fiber Saturation Point of Taiwan White Fir, Taiwan Spruce and Luanta Fir Wood | |||
0223 | 吳順昭、謝榮生、王義仲 直幹相思樹木材微細解剖構造之研究 |
180;2(2):27-43 |
1988 |
Studies on the Anatomical Structure of Acacia mangium | |||
0224 | 廖日京 臺灣植物學名訂正與補遺(Ⅱ) |
180;2(2):45-54 |
1988 |
The Revisions and Supplements of Plant Scientific Names in Taiwan ( Ⅱ ) | |||
0225 | 陳澤裕 臺灣狩獵文化研究 |
180;2(2):55-62 |
1988 |
A Study on Hunting Culture in Taiwan | |||
0226 |
施能毅 愛玉子生殖週期之初步觀察 |
180;2(2):63-66 |
1988 |
Preliminary Observation on the Reproductive Cycle of Jelly Fig ( Ficus pumila L. var. awkeotsang ) | |||
0227 |
胡大維、姚榮鼐 林木種子容器苗之培育及品質分級 |
180;2(2):67-75 |
1988 |
Determination of Seedling Quality and Grades of Container Stock |
Vol.02 No.1
0211 |
郭寶章、劉一新 食物消耗與標放調查在赤腹松鼠防治上的應用- 受害造林地內赤腹松鼠之活動與分布估測 |
179;2(1):1-21 |
1988 |
Application of Food Consupption and Mark - Recapture in the Control of Formosan Red - Bellied Tree Squirrel - An Estimation of the Actiivity and Distribution of the Squirrel in an Infested Plantation of China - Fir | |||
0212 | 姜家華、王亞男、林世宗、吳淑華 臺灣二葉松及臺灣帝杉幼苗水耕之研究(一)生理病徵 |
1988 |
Water Culture Study on Pinus Taiwanensis Pseudotsuga Wilsoniana ( Ⅰ ) Physiological Symptoms | |||
0213 | 郭幸榮 臺灣杉苗木對水逆壓調節之反應 |
179;2(1):39-62 |
1988 |
Response of Taiwan Seedlings to Water Stress Conditioning | |||
0214 | 楊榮啟 多變值變異分析方法在林木育種研究上之應用 |
179;2(1):63-74 |
1988 |
Applicability of Multivarite Analysis of Variance in Tree Breeding Research | |||
0215 | 李國忠 臺灣紙漿造紙工業生產容力擴充模式之模擬與分析 |
179;2(1):75-84 |
1988 |
Modeling the Capacity Expansion for the Pulp and Pulp and Paper Industry in Taiwan | |||
0216 |
洪國榮、王松永 紅檜基礎材質變異性之研究(二)微纖維傾斜角之變異性 |
179;2(1):85-100 |
1988 |
Variation in the Fundamental Wood Properties of Taiwan Red Cypress ( Chamaecyparis formosensis Matsum. ) ( Ⅱ) Variation in Microfibril Angle | |||
0217 |
陳信雄 大地比電阻探測法在臺灣應用上之研究 |
179;2(1):101-113 |
1988 |
Application of the Earth Electrical Resistance Survey in Taiwan | |||
0218 |
蔡金木、雷明達 臺灣主要經濟樹材之膠合變異性(一)紅檜、扁柏及鐵杉 |
179;2(1):115-136 |
1988 |
Variation in the Gluability of some Economical Tree Species in Taiwan ( Ⅰ ) Red Cypress, Yellow Cypress , and Hemlock | |||
0219 |
簡文村、顏秉貞、蔡 輝 臺大實驗林松鼠為害林木與防治之研究 |
179;2(1):137149 |
1988 |
Studies on the Damage and Control of Squirrel in the Experimental Forest of N. T. U. | |||
021A |
廖日京 國家公園之改進詞謅 |
179;2(1):151-160 |
1988 |
The Suggestions for Improvements of National Parks |