Vol.23 No.4

924  王亞男、蔡明哲、劉啟福、鄭景鵬  疏伐對柳杉插條苗與實生苗造林木生長之影響  266:23(4):267-283 2009
 Influence of Thinning on Cutting Grown Tree and Seedling Grown Tree of Cryptomeria japonica 
925  王亞男、楊智凱、李文馨、鄭森松  二種不同栽植密度對柳杉初期生長之影響    266:23(4):285-293 2009
 Effect of Two Different Planting Density on the Initial Growth of Cryptomeria japonica
926  王亞男、蔡明哲、劉啟福、鄭景鵬  不同林分密度臺灣杉人工林下層疏伐對其生長之影響  266:23(4):295-307 2009
 Effects on Growth by Low Thinning between Different Stand Densities of Taiwania Plantations 
927  楊智凱、陳陽發、洪志遠、鍾國芳、王亞男  臺大實驗林溪頭營林后稀有及瀕危植物之調查研究   266:23(4):309-320 2009
 Investigation of Rare and Endangered Plants in Xitou Tract of National Taiwan University Experimental Forest 
928  沈介文、江博能、蔡明哲  五條溪柳杉林木構成狀態之研究  266:23(4):321-327 2009
 The study of tree growth and stand structure of Cryptomeria japonica D. Don in Wu Tiao Xi 
929  洪昆源、莊佩華、蔡景株、洪州玄、吳芯慧  新發現紫金牛具陸生母體發芽的潛力  266:23(4):329-335 2009
 Precocious Germination in Ardisia japonica (Myrsinaceae) 

Vol.23 No.3

918 劉素玲、王亞男、陳德仁、鄭景鵬  溪頭門田柳杉生長量及二氧化碳貯存量效益之研究劉素玲、王亞男、陳德仁、鄭景鵬  溪頭門田柳杉生長量及二氧化碳貯存量效益之研究 265:23(3):189-200 2009
Growth and Benefit of Stock of Carbon Dioxide of Cryptomeria japonica D. Don at the Men-tian Permanent Plot of Xitou Tract
919 劉興旺、鍾立展、王亞男、陳和田、鄭景鵬  臺灣中部地區臺灣杉人工林之生長量與碳吸存量之研究 265:23(3):201-212 2009
Study of Growth and Carbon Sequestration of Taiwania Plantation in Central Taiwan
920 林法勤、曾郁珊、陳重銘、洪崇彬  休閒木工 DIY 成效評估-以臺大實驗林林產推廣教育為例 265:23(3):213-224 2009
Evaluation of Leisure Wood Working DIY-an Example of Forest Products Promoting Education in NTU Experimental Forest
921 鄭森松、李文馨、王亞男、張上鎮、張惠婷  柳杉枝條樹皮抽出物抗氧化能力之初探 265:23(3):225-233 2009
Examination on Antioxidant Capacity of Twig Bark Extracts from Cryptomeria japonica
922 劉興旺、姚曉文、張照群、沈介文、游智偉、郭幸榮  闊葉樹種苗木在柳杉林內冠層孔隙下之生長表現及形態變化 265:23(3):235-254 2009
Growth Performances and Morphological Changes of Broad-leaved Tree Seedlings Under Canopy Gaps in a Japanese Sugi Plantation
923 沈介文、江博能、梁治文、王亞男  金鋼鑽柳杉林地上部生物量與碳存量估算 265:23(3):255-266 2009
Using a Novel Approach to Reveal the Species/Carbon Relationship of Understory Plants in the Target Region

Vol.23 No.2

912 鄒承志、劉知妤、羅漢強  恆春皂莢之小孢子發生 264:23(2):111-123 2009
Microsporogenesis in Gleditsia rolfei Vidal
913 莊閔傑、鄭森松、李佳如、張上鎮  利用曲木加工技術開發設計竹集成材家具 264:23(2):125-132 2009
Development and design of laminated bamboo furniture using bentwood processing technology
914 王亞男、衛強、曾家琳  臺大實驗林清水溝營林區線浸柳杉生長量試驗研究 264:23(2):133-146 2009
Growth of Cryptomeria japonica D. Don at the Sien-Jin Permanent Plot of NTUEF Chingshueigau Tract
915 楊智凱、鄭景鵬、黃憶汝、陳陽發、王亞男  南投縣竹山鎮中學校園木本植物多樣性調查與分析 264:23(2):147-161 2009
Diversity Investigation and Analysis of Woody Plants in High School Campuses of Chu-Shan Township, Nantou County
916 林俊成、王亞男、林麗貞、彭嘉文、鄭景鵬  風害對林木生長之影響-以臺大實驗林開農台柳杉造林地為例 264:23(2):163-174 2009
Effect of Wind Damage on Tree Growth-A Case Study of Kai-Nong-Tai Cryptomeria japonica Plantation in the Experimental Forest of NTU
917 洪崇航、楊明淵、蔡佩妤、逄廣華、盧道杰、范中衍、袁孝維  溪頭地區不同年間鳥類群聚變化 264:23(2):175-188 2009
Using a Novel Approach to Reveal the Species/Carbon Relationship of Understory Plants in the Target Region

Vol.23 No.1

906 楊賜霖、張上鎮、鄭森松、李佳如、莊閔傑 竹材室內家飾之開發與設計研究 263:23(1):1-23


Study on the Development and Design of lnterior Furniture by Using Domestic Bamboo
907 鄭祈全、王素芬、李孟芬 應用航測技術和多變值統計方法建立地景干擾指標之研究 263:23(1):25-35 2009
Using Photogrammetry and Multivariate Statistical Analysis to Evaluate Landscape Disturbance Indicator
908 鄭欽龍、張竣翔 崩塌地水土保持工程參數成本估計模型之研究-以臺大實驗林為例 263:23(1):37-45 2009
A Study on Parametric Cost Estimating Model for Landslide Soil and Water Conservation Project - the Case of the Experimental Forest of National Taiwan University
909 陳冠瑋、鄒承志、劉知妤、羅漢強 臺灣島槐之胚形成 263:23(1):47-69 2009
Embryogenesis in Maackia taiwanensis Hoshi et Ohashi
910 劉淑芬、楊智凱 臺中市太平區校園草本植物調查與分析 263:23(1):71-92 2009
Investigation and Analysis of Herbaceous Plants in School Campuses of Tai-Ping District
911 劉知妤、羅漢強 臺灣紅豆樹之小孢子發生 263:23(1):93-109 2009
Using a Novel Approach to Reveal the Species/Carbon Relationship of Understory Plants in the Target Region