918 |
劉素玲、王亞男、陳德仁、鄭景鵬 溪頭門田柳杉生長量及二氧化碳貯存量效益之研究劉素玲、王亞男、陳德仁、鄭景鵬 溪頭門田柳杉生長量及二氧化碳貯存量效益之研究 |
265:23(3):189-200 |
2009 |
Growth and Benefit of Stock of Carbon Dioxide of Cryptomeria japonica D. Don at the Men-tian Permanent Plot of Xitou Tract |
919 |
劉興旺、鍾立展、王亞男、陳和田、鄭景鵬 臺灣中部地區臺灣杉人工林之生長量與碳吸存量之研究 |
265:23(3):201-212 |
2009 |
Study of Growth and Carbon Sequestration of Taiwania Plantation in Central Taiwan |
920 |
林法勤、曾郁珊、陳重銘、洪崇彬 休閒木工 DIY 成效評估-以臺大實驗林林產推廣教育為例 |
265:23(3):213-224 |
2009 |
Evaluation of Leisure Wood Working DIY-an Example of Forest Products Promoting Education in NTU Experimental Forest |
921 |
鄭森松、李文馨、王亞男、張上鎮、張惠婷 柳杉枝條樹皮抽出物抗氧化能力之初探 |
265:23(3):225-233 |
2009 |
Examination on Antioxidant Capacity of Twig Bark Extracts from Cryptomeria japonica |
922 |
劉興旺、姚曉文、張照群、沈介文、游智偉、郭幸榮 闊葉樹種苗木在柳杉林內冠層孔隙下之生長表現及形態變化 |
265:23(3):235-254 |
2009 |
Growth Performances and Morphological Changes of Broad-leaved Tree Seedlings Under Canopy Gaps in a Japanese Sugi Plantation |
923 |
沈介文、江博能、梁治文、王亞男 金鋼鑽柳杉林地上部生物量與碳存量估算 |
265:23(3):255-266 |
2009 |
Using a Novel Approach to Reveal the Species/Carbon Relationship of Understory Plants in the Target Region |