Vol.21 No.4
876 | 曾翌碩、林文隆、孫元勳 福寶與鰲鼓地區渡冬短耳鴞(Asio flammeus)食性 | 258:21(4):275-282 | 2007 |
Diet of Wintering Short-eared Owl (Asio flammeus) of Fubou and Augu Areas | |||
877 | 邱祈榮、林麗貞、黃愷茹、蔡維倫 志工人力資源管理之探討--以台大實驗林為例 | 258:21(4):283-292 | 2007 |
Study of Human Resource Management on Volunteers – A Case Study of NTU Experimental Forest | |||
878 | 陳明杰、洪志遠 蓮華池四號集水區土壤物理性質與水力傳導度的特性 | 258:21(4):293-306 | 2007 |
Characteristics of Soil Physical Properties and Hydraulic Conductivity of Lienhwachi Watershed No.4 | |||
879 | 王亞男、梁治文、田佩玲、詹明勳、劉興旺、張振生以生物相調查評估崩塌地治理效益 | 258:21(4):307-320 | 2007 |
Using Biological Investigation to Evaluate the Landslide Rebuilt at Experimental Forest of NTU | |||
880 | 陳冠瑋、劉知妤、羅漢強 臺灣島槐之小孢子發生 | 258:21(4):321-336 | 2007 |
Microsporogenesis in Maackia taiwanensis Hoshei et Ohashi | |||
881 | 賴彥任、王亞男、林添源、沈介文、曾建貴、張振生 臺大實驗林921後崩塌地治理工法的研究 | 258:21(4):337-347 | 2007 |
The Study of Landslide Treatment Technique After 921 Earthquake at Experimental Forest of N. T. U. |
Vol.21 No.3
870 | 張焜標、張雯婷 瑚樹種子非深度形態生理休眠與發芽 | 257:21(3):181-192 | 2007 |
Non-deep Morphophysiological Dormancy and Germination of Viburnum odoratissimum Ker Seeds | |||
871 | 蕭英倫、陳清環、藍浩繁、王亞男 固定化白腐菌處理硫酸鹽紙漿漂白廢水之研究 | 257:21(3):193-206 | 2007 |
Treatment of Kraft Pulp Bleaching Effluents with Two Immobilized White-rot Fungi | |||
872 | 山馥嫻、董景生、許嘉錦、陳世煌、楊平世 金門地區動物群聚監測方法初探 | 257:21(3):207-228 | 2007 |
A Preliminary Study of Monitoring on Animal Assemblage in Kinmen | |||
873 | 陳明杰、洪志遠 福山林地土壤飽和與不飽和水力傳導度的特性 | 257:21(3):229-244 | 2007 |
Characteristics of Saturated and Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity of Forest Soils in Fushan Area | |||
874 | 許崑衍、黃秀緞、李明仁 叢枝菌根菌Glomus mosseae對白匏仔苗木生長及生理特性之效應 | 257:21(3):245-258 | 2007 |
Effects of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Glomus mosseae on Growth and Physiological Characteristics of Mallotus paniculatus Seedlings | |||
875 | 劉淑芬、楊智凱 台中縣太平市校園木本植物調查與分析 | 257:21(3):259-274 | 2007 |
Investigation and Analysis of Woody Plants in Tai-Ping City School Campus of Taichung Country |
Vol.21 No.2
864 | 李來錫、陳美惠、戴元銘 社區林業計畫自動分類之研究-以關鍵詞為基礎 | 256:21(2):93-103 | 2007 |
Keyword Based Categorization for Community Forestry Projects | |||
865 | 林麗貞、王亞男、吳瑞瑜、劉子棻、黃憶汝、林茂擇、劉相識 遊客對溪頭自然教育園區解說服務需求及滿意度之研究 | 256:21(2):105-116 | 2007 |
A Study on Interpreation Services and Satisfaction in Xitou Nature Education Area | |||
866 | 葉慶龍、廖家宏 北大武山區植群多樣性之研究 | 256:21(2):117-132 | 2007 |
Study on Vegetation Diversity of Peitawushan | |||
867 | 魏瑞廷、陳子英 棲蘭山地區植群之研究 | 256:21(2):133-145 | 2007 |
Study on Vegetation Classification in Chi-Lan Shan | |||
868 | 劉玲華、葉慶龍、王兆桓 臺灣北中部海岸保安林健康指標之研究 | 256:21(2):147-160 | 2007 |
Health Indexes of Coastal Protection Forests in Northern and Central Taiwan | |||
869 | 徐嘉君 台灣的維管束附生植物綜論 | 256:21(2):161-180 | 2007 |
The Vascular Epiphyte in Taiwan– A Review |
Vol.21 No.1
858 | 彭靖媛、李明仁 叢枝菌根菌Glomus mosseae對鋅污染土壤培育相思樹苗木生長之效應 | 255:21(1):1-13 | 2007 |
Effects of Glomus mosseae on Growth of Acacia confusa Seedlings Cultured on Zinc Contaminated Soil | |||
859 | 林國銓、黃菊美、杜清澤 不同綠葉在福山闊葉林之分解和養分動態變化 | 255:21(1):15-27 | 2007 |
Decomposition of Six Kinds of Green Foliage and its Nutrient Dynamics in Fushan Broadleaf Forest | |||
860 | 柯明宏、張長義 籌設中國家公園之權益關係人分析研究-綠島之個案 | 255:21(1):29-51 | 2007 |
Stakeholders Analysis of A Proposed National Park- The Case Study of Green Island | |||
861 | 黃正良、廖學誠、金恆鑣、陳明杰、李福明 2001年桃芝颱風蓮華池人工林及天然林集水區溪流水化學之比較 | 255:21(1):53-63 | 2007 |
Comparision of Streamwater Chemistry between Plantation and Natural Forest in Lien-Hua-Chi Area During 2001 Typhoon Toraji | |||
862 | 胡弘道、黃鏡諺、沈偉強、林虔隆 不同溫度對青剛櫟接種兩種塊菌在菌根形成與苗木生長之影響 | 255:21(1):65-77 | 2007 |
Effects of Different Temperature on the Mycorrhiza Formation and Growth of Two Truffle Species Synthesized with Cyclobalanopsis glauca (Qerst.) Seedlings | |||
863 | 曾家琳、劉儒淵、薛怡珍 森林周邊生態旅遊地點評估之研究 | 255:21(1):79-91 | 2007 |
Evaluation of Ecotourism Sites in Forest Surrounding Area |