Vol.29 No.4
2941 | 郭福麟、陳德仁、王介鼎 溪頭地區柳杉人工林內苗木庫及地被植群之調查 | 290:29(4):237-248 | 2015 |
A Survey of Seedling Bank and Understory Vegetation in Cryptomeria Plantation at Xitou Area | |||
2942 | 盧道杰、葉美智、江品君 社區保育與治理-論社區在封溪護漁計畫的角色扮演 | 290:29(4):249-258 | 2015 |
Community conservation and governance: the role of community in the stream conservation scheme | |||
2943 | 葉美智、劉秋良、楊燿隆 全民參與生態資料庫之應用-以生態旅遊為例 | 290:29(4):259-270 | 2015 |
Public Participation in the Application of Ecological Database - Example of Ecotourism | |||
2944 | 劉子銘、盧道杰、董景生蘭嶼水芋田ICCA自主營運模式經濟可行性評估 | 290:29(4):271-277 | 2015 |
Market based incentives for managing taro ponds in Lanyu as ICCA | |||
2945 | 謝佳倫、方韻如、謝傳鎧、鍾國芳 濕地植物保育新思維:由貢寮水梯田的植物多樣性談其保育價值的生態學基礎 | 290:29(4):279-291 | 2015 |
Plant diversity of Gongliao rice terrace and ecological basis of its conservation value | |||
2946 | 趙芝良、吳自強、蔡志忠、葉美智 溼地管理與社區保育中的公民教育參與和實踐 | 290:29(4):293-304 | 2015 |
Citizen Education Participation and Practices in Wetland Management and Community Conservation |
Vol.29 No.3
2931 | 曾俊偉、陳明杰、林介龍、曹崇銘 不同土地利用型態對淺層土壤孔隙率特性之研究 | 289:29(3):145-159 | 2015 |
Study on the Surface Soil Porosity Characteristic of Different Land-use Types | |||
2932 | 陳潔音、顏江河、蕭文偉、王亞男、郭福麟 臺大實驗林臺灣櫸造林地林分土壤呼吸量 | 289:29(3):161-171 | 2015 |
Soil Respiration in a Taiwan Zelkova Plantation in National Taiwan University Experimental Forest | |||
2933 | 黃正良、陳明杰、林登秋、曹崇銘、黃志堅、傅昭憲 蓮華池天然闊葉林及杉木人工林林下光環境與木本稚樹更新之比較 | 289:29(3):173-186 | 2015 |
A comparative Study on Understory Light Environment and Regeneration of Woody Seedlings in China-fir Plantation and Natural Broadleaf Forests in Lien-hua-chih | |||
2934 | 蔡南益、林家弘、 陳亭瑋、 吳立偉 褔建省戴雲山國家級自然保護區的蝶相調查與分析 | 289:29(3):187-207 | 2015 |
An investigation of butterfly fauna in Daiyunshan National Nature Reserve, Fujian | |||
2935 | 劉思謙、楊智凱 臺灣掃帚植物之調查研究 | 289:29(3):209-225 | 2015 |
Brooms of Plant in Taiwan | |||
2936 | 羅明慧 氣孔導度模式之演進 | 289:29(3):227-235 | 2015 |
Development of the stomatal conductance models |
Vol.29 No.2
2921 | 邱俊禕、李後鋒、 葉信廷、 蔡明哲 臺灣中低海拔臺灣櫸造林地的白蟻發生普查 | 288:29(2):69-77 | 2015 |
Termite Survey of Zelkova serrata Plantations in Moderate and Low Altitude Areas of Taiwan | |||
2922 | 林振榮、黃裕星、黃國雄、吳孟玲 非破壞技術應用於白蟻危害小葉南洋杉立木的檢測及評估 | 288:29(2):79-90 | 2015 |
Detection and evaluation of termite damage in Norfolk island pine (Araucaria heteaophylla ) trees by nondestructive techniques | |||
2923 | 李佳如、鄭森松、蔡明哲、張上鎮、莊閔傑 利用國產疏伐木開發具傳統榫接特色之文創商品(Ⅱ) | 288:29(2):91-108 | 2015 |
Using domestic thinned wood to develop the cultural and creative products with characteristics of traditional mortise (II) | |||
2924 | 李佳如、陳昀芝、林振榮、楊德新 應力波斷面影像法應用於肯氏南洋杉立木材質之評估-以國立臺灣大學生物資源暨農學院實驗林管理處下坪自然教育園區為例 | 288:29(2):109-123 | 2015 |
Investigation on the Properties of Hoop pine (Araucaria cunninghamia ) Standing Trees Using Stress-wave Tomographic Technique - A case study for Xiaping nature education area of The Experimental Forest of National Taiwan University | |||
2925 | 白創文、鄭智馨、莊愷瑋、陳秋萍 臺大實驗林不同混農林業系統中土壤性質之研究 | 288:29(2):125-135 | 2015 |
Characterization of Soil Properties in Different Agroforestry System, Experimental Forest, National Taiwan University | |||
2926 | 文起祥、曲芳華 植物熱反應及熱休克蛋白 | 288:29(2):137-143 | 2015 |
Plant heat response and heat shock proteins |
Vol.29 No.1
2911 | 江博能、江凱楹、余瑞珠、王明光 混農林地經營對土壤性質之影響 | 287:29(1):1-18 | 2015 |
Effect of Soil Properties by Management of Agroforestry Soilt | |||
2912 | 陳琬婷、林我崇 中高齡生態解說志工活動涉入、地方依附與負責任環境行為關係之探討 | 287:29(1):19-33 | 2015 |
A Study of Relationships among Activity Involvement, Place Attachment and Environmentally Responsible Behavior for Senior Volunteer Eco-Interpreters | |||
2913 | 鄭森松、楊智凱、林群雅、張上鎮、黃旌集 臺灣產木蘭科植物葉子精油之抗病媒蚊幼蟲毒殺活性 | 287:29(1):35-44 | 2015 |
Mosquito Larvicidal Mortality Activities of Leaf Essential Oils from Magnoliaceae in Taiwan | |||
2914 | 劉素玲、夏滄琪、黃金城、王亞男、阮巽雯 pH值對三種活性碳吸附水中鋅離子效能之影響 | 287:29(1):45-52 | 2015 |
Effect of pH on Adsorption Capacity of Zinc Ions Solution by Three Kinds of Activated Carbon | |||
2915 | 吳家禎、何政坤 大果油茶中MADS-Box基因之選殖分析 | 287:29(1):53-60 | 2015 |
Cloning and Characterization of MASD-Box Gene in Camellia oleifera , Abel | |||
2916 | 文起祥、曲芳華 微矩陣於林木生理研究之應用 | 287:29(1):61-67 | 2015 |
Microarray Applications in Forest Trees Physiology Research |