Vol.24 No.4

948  莊閔傑、李佳如、鄭森松、張上鎮  評估分散性染料於竹皮棕色染色之效果  270:24(4):217-225 2010
 Evaluation of Brown Coloring Effectiveness of Disperse Dyes on Bamboo Epidermis
949  曹崇銘、王亞男、王明光  土壤奈米粒子研究之探討  270:24(4):227-236 2010
 Study on natural soil nanoparticles: a review 
950  傅春旭、林俊成、蔡景株、林介龍、黃侑苹  臺灣珍貴老樹之病蟲害調查與研究-以桃園縣、彰化縣、臺南縣、臺東縣為例 270:24(4):237-245 270:24(4):237-245 2010
 Investigation of insect pests and diseases on the historical trees in Taoyuan, Changhua, Tainan and Taitung, Taiwan 
951  彭嘉文、王亞男、夏滄琪、莊閔傑、林翰謙 銀合歡木灰作為製備活性碳天然活化劑之探討  270:24(4):247-260 2010
 Investigation on White Popinac (Leucaena leucocephala) Ash as a Natural Activating Agent for Activated Carbon Preparation 
952  曾淳繇、王亞男、黃金城、阮巽雯、張哲維、劉素玲 蓖麻油脫水製程及兩階段轉酯生產生質柴油之評估  270:24(4):261-270 270:24(4):261-270 2010
 Evaluation of Dehydrated Castor Oil through Two-Step Catalyzed Transesterification for Production Biodiesel 
953  陳勁豪、李柏崇、楊德新、李佳如、徐光平、陳和田、王亞男、蔡明哲  溪頭銀杏林健康檢測及基本性質之研究  270:24(4):271-284 270:24(4):271-284 2010
 The study on the health examination and wood properties of Ginkgo 

Vol.24 No.3

942 鄭景鵬、許崑衍、林金樹、蔡明哲  溪頭地區臺灣杉人工林林分生長的長期變化趨勢   269:24(3):147-156 2010
 Long-term growth trend of Taiwania Plantations in Xitou area of Central Taiwan
943  王亞男、周宏祈、王介鼎、陳秋萍  溪頭三叉崙柳杉生長量及碳貯存量效益之研究 269:24(3):157-167 2010
Study of Biomass and Carbon Storage of Cryptomeria japonica D. Don at the Shan-Cha-Luan Experimental Plot in Xitou 
944  衛  強、王亞男、蔡明哲、鄭景鵬  臺大實驗林溪頭營林區西川試驗地柳杉生長量之研究  269:24(3):169-183 2010
 Study on Growth of Cryptomeria japonica D. Don at the Nishikawa Plot of NTUEF Xitou Tract 
945  江博能、王亞男、梁治文  臺灣中部地區光臘樹人工林生長量與碳存量之研究    269:24(3):185-194 2010
 Study on Growth and Carbon Storage of Fraxinus griffithii Plantation in Central Taiwan
946  陳陽發、楊智凱、王介鼎、王亞男、何健鎔、楊平世  臺大實驗林溪頭自然教育園區賴氏雌光螢(鞘翅目:雌光螢科)生物學及發光行為觀察  269:24(3):195-208 2010
 Biology and luminescence Behavior of Rhagophthalmus jenniferae (Coleoptera: Rhagophthalmidae) in Xitou Natural Education Area, Experimental Forest, National Taiwan University 
947  蕭文偉、朱珮綺、王亞男、陳潔音  溪頭鳳凰山之大型真菌調查  269:24(3):209-215 2010
 The Investigation of Macrofungus in Fong-Huang Mountain

Vol.24 No.2

936  蕭文偉、朱佩綺、溫承哲、王亞男、陳潔音、孫岩章  臺灣櫸褐根腐病之研究  268:24(2):79-84 2010
Study of the Brown Root Disease of Zelkova serrata
937  鄭森松、莊閔傑、林群雅、張上鎮、王亞男  臺灣杉不同部位精油及抽出物抗褐根病菌之評估  268:24(2):85-95 2010
 Evaluation of Essential Oils and Extracts of Different Plant Parts from Taiwania cryptomerioides against Phellinus noxius 
938  劉素玲、黃金城、王亞男、阮巽雯、陳盈甫、鄭森松  製備條件對兩種國產竹活性碳基本性質之影響  268:24(2):97-108 2010
 Effects of the Preparation Conditions on Basic Properties of Activated Carbon from Two Bamboos Grown in Taiwan  
939  賴彥任、張振生、魏聰輝、洪志遠  溪頭大學坑集水區之崩積層地下水特性探討  268:24(2):109-122 >2010
 Investigation on the Groundwater Characters in the Colluvium of University Gully Watershed, Xitou 
940  楊智凱、李勇毅、陳陽發、鍾年鈞、王亞男、鍾國芳  臺大實驗林溪頭營林區野生蘭科植物多樣性及其保育 268:24(2):123-136 2010
 Study on Species Diversity and Conservation of Wild Orchids at Xitou Tract Experimental Forest of National Taiwan University 
941  王松永  地球溫暖化防止與森林永續經營   268:24(2):137-145 2010
Globe Warming Resistant and Forest Sustainable Management 

Vol.24 No.1

930  王立志、久米朋宣、梁偉立、羅士福、魏聰輝  臺灣中部溪頭實驗林溪流水溫動態    267:24(1):1-16 2010
 The Dynamics of Stream Temperature at Xitou Experimental Forest, Central Taiwan. 
931  衛  強、黃憶汝、李金玲、簡沂如、林法勤  臺大實驗林溪頭營林區木製格框擋土牆於植生復育之初步研究  267:24(1):17-30 2010
 Preliminary study on the wooden crib retaining wall applied on the vegetation recovery at Xitou Tract, National Taiwan University Experimental Forest 
932  王亞男、劉子棻、汪大雄  臺大實驗林水里卡桐生長量試驗生長之研究  267:24(1):31-39 2010
 Growth studies of Anthocephalus chinensis ex Walp at Shuili 
933  魏聰輝、賴彥任、張振生、沈介文、關秉宗、王亞男  塔塔加地區白天霧日之年變化趨勢    267:24(1):41-49 2010
Identifying the trends of estimated annual daytime foggy days at Tatachia region of central Taiwan 
934  江博能、吳俊賢、王淑姿、王明光、魏聰輝  氣象因子對塔塔加長期生態研究地區三種植生土壤之氮礦化及硝化作用影響  267:24(1):51-62 2010
Effect of Meteorological Conditions on Mineralization and Nitrification of Three Plant Soils in Ta-Ta Chia Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) Area 
935  林金樹、馬曉恩  應用 SORTIE - ND模型模擬平地光臘樹林分的動態發展  267:24(1):63-78 2010
A Simulation of the Stand Dynamic of Fraxinus formosana Forest in Cultivated Land using the SORTIE-ND Mode