Vol.04 No.4
0441 | 王亞男 杉木、臺灣杉癒合組織之誘導及細胞懸浮培養 |
190;4(4):1-18 |
1990 |
Callus Formation and Cell Suspension Culture of Cunninghamia lanceolata var. lanceolata and Taiwania cryptomerioides | |||
0442 | 連錦漳、李國忠 臺灣主要非木材森林產物之產地分佈 |
190;4(4):19-39 |
1990 |
Regional Distribution of Major Non - Timber Forest Products in Taiwan | |||
0443 | 焦國模 柳杉光譜反射特性對林地生產力預估之研究 |
190;4(4):41-69 |
1990 |
A Study on Estimating Forest Productivity Using Spectral Reflectance Charactercetics of Cryptomeria | |||
0444 | 柳重勝 記臺灣產蘭科植物之一新種--和社指柱蘭 |
190;4(4):71-76 |
1990 |
Cheirostylis tortilacinia - A New Orchid Species from Taiwan | |||
0445 | 羅漢強 木賊葉木麻黃癒合組織之誘生 |
190;4(4):77-81 |
1990 |
Callus Induction in Casuarina equisetifolia | |||
0446 |
姜家華、王亞男、張國楨 臺灣櫸遺傳變異之研究(一) |
190;4(4):83-89 |
1990 |
The Study on the Genetic Variance of Zelkova serrata | |||
0447 |
吳順昭、陳邦寧、堯明才 卡鄧伯木組織構造變異性之研究 |
190;4(4):91-107 |
1990 |
Studies on the Variations of Anatomical Structures of Anthocephalus chinensis | |||
0448 |
廖日京 檳榔 |
190;4(4):109-117 |
1990 |
Betel Nut |
Vol.04 No.3
0431 | 孔繁浩、楊榮啟 臺灣林業發展綜合模式 |
189;4(3):1-34 |
1990 |
Integrated Forestry Growth Model in Taiwan | |||
0432 | 李國忠、陳榮興 區域性水污染之產業關聯分析--屏東區紙漿造紙業 |
1990 |
A Input - Output Analysis of Water Pollution from Pulp and Paper Industry in Ping - Tung | |||
0433 | 陳仲賢、陳恩倫、郭寶章 溪頭與杉林溪柳杉人工林赤腹松鼠之分布與為害差異之估測 |
189;4(3):65-80 |
1990 |
Assessment of the Differences in the Distribution of Squirrel and Its Damage to Plantations of Japanese Cedar Located in Chitou and Sunlinchi Areas | |||
0434 |
蘇鴻傑 臺灣野生根節蘭及鶴頂之分類及生態研究Ⅱ•根節蘭屬柱唇蘭節、鶴頂蘭屬及肖頭蕊蘭屬 |
189;4(3):81-96 |
1990 |
Taxonomical and Ecological Studies on the Native Species of Calanthe and Phaius ( Orchidaceae ) in TaiwanⅡ•Calanthe Sect. Styloglossum, Phaius and Cephalantheropsis | |||
0435 | 鍾達雄、林鈺麟 粒片板生產之品質管制研究 |
189;4(3):97-130 |
1990 |
Study on Quality Control of Particleboard Manufacturing | |||
0436 |
魯丁慧、王亞男、姜家華 華山松之組織培養 |
189;4(3):131-142 |
1990 |
Tissue Culture of Pinus Armandii Franch. var. Masteriana Hayata | |||
0437 |
吳志原、王亞男、姜家華 不同種源紅檜種子性狀及苗木早期生長之研究 |
189;4(3):143-156 |
1990 |
Study on Seed Characteristics and Seedling Early Growth of Formosan Red Cypress from Various Seed Sources | |||
0438 |
廖日京 臺灣榕屬之二引進種、五栽培變種與一品種 |
189;4(3):157-164 |
1990 |
2 Introduced Species, 5 Cultivated Varieties and 1 Form of the Genus Ficus in Taiwan | |||
0439 |
施能毅、黃鴻霖 單板縱接條件對紅柳桉單板層積材彎曲性質的影響 |
189;4(3):165-201 |
1990 |
The Effect of Veneer End Joint Condition on the Bending Characteristics of Red Lauan Laminated Veneer Lumber |
Vol.04 No.2
0421 | 吳順昭 亞洲地區熱帶林之森林作業 |
188;4(2):1-13 |
1990 |
The Forest Operation of Tropical Forest in Asian Region | |||
0422 | 吳順昭、堯明才 臺灣主要經濟樹材組織構造變異性之研究(Ⅳ)三種濶葉樹材之組織構造 |
188;4(2):15-47 |
1990 |
Study on the variation of Tissue Structure of the Commercial Trees in Taiwan (Ⅳ)The tissue Structure of Three Native Hardwood Species |
0423 | 王松永、李長垚 臺灣主要經濟樹材組織構造變異性之研究(Ⅷ)長尾尖櫧、臺灣櫸及光臘之誘電率、誘電體力率及電阻係數之變異性 |
188;4(2):49-74 |
1990 |
Studies on the Fundamental Properties of the Economical Tree Species in Taiwan (Ⅷ)The Variability of Dielectric Constants, Dielectrical Power Factor and Resistivity of Longleaf Evergreen Chinkapin, Griffith's Ash and Taiwan Zelkova |
0424 | 鍾達雄、林鈺麟 粒片板貼面加工之品質管制研究 |
188;4(2):75-95 |
1990 |
Studies on Quality Control of Manufacturing Process of Veneer Overlay Paricleboard | |||
0425 | 李國忠、賴建興、連錦漳 森林遊樂資源發展對地方資產價值影響之分析 |
188;4(2):95-115 |
1990 |
The Impact of Forest Recreation development on Rual Property Values | |||
0426 |
郭寶章、劉炯錫、江燕飛 松鼠為害對杉木與柳杉造林木材質之影響 |
188;4(2):117-136 |
1990 |
The Effects of Squirrel Damage on the Wood Properties of Cryptomeria Japonica and Cunninghamia Lanceolata | |||
0427 |
柳重勝、廖日京 新引進之金蓮木 |
188;4(2):137-141 |
1990 |
Note on Ochna Kirkii Oliver, A Newly Introduced Species in Taiwan | |||
0428 |
蘇鴻傑 臺灣野生節蘭及鶴頂蘭之分類及生態研究Ⅰ•根節蘭屬美花蘭節 |
188;4(2):143-160 |
1990 |
Taxonomical and Ecological Studies on the Native Species of Calanthe and Phaius ( Orchidaceae ) in TaiwanⅠ•Calanthe Sect. Calothyrsus | |||
0429 |
劉儒淵 遊憩資源衝擊之監測與控制、編輯報導 |
188;4(2):161-172 |
1990 |
Recreation Resource Impacts and Their Management |
Vol.04 No.1
0411 | 郭寶章 森林資源保育之理念與釋義 |
187;4(1):1-12 |
1990 |
Forest Resource Conservation : Ethic and Connotations | |||
0412 |
吳順昭、謝榮生 臺灣主要經濟樹材組織構造變異性之研究 (Ⅲ)九種省產針業樹材之組織構造 |
1990 |
Study on the Variation of Tissue Structure of the Economic Trees in Taiwan (Ⅲ)The Tissue Structure of Nine Native Softwood Species | |||
0413 | 王松永、廖志中 木材之吸脫濕特性影響因子 |
187;4(1):41-60 |
1990 |
Factors Affecting the Absorption and Desorption Behaviors of Wood | |||
0414 | 鍾達雄 家具工廠設備更新之研究--以內部投資報酬率法評估 |
187;4(1):61-70 |
1990 |
Studies on the Replacement of Production Woodworking Equipment - Evaluated by Internal Rate of Return | |||
0415 |
蔡金木、周張祺臺灣主要經濟樹材之膠合變異性(二)巒大杉、臺灣冷杉及臺灣雲杉 |
187;4(1):71-93 |
1990 |
Variation in Gluability of Some Economical Tree Species in Taiwan (Ⅱ) Luanta Fir, Taiwan White Fir, and Taiwan Spruce | |||
0416 |
廖日京 臺灣殼斗科植物學名之總訂正 |
187;4(1):95-115 |
1990 |
The Total Revisions on the Scientific Name of the Family Fagaceae in Taiwan | |||
0417 |
胡弘道 臺灣杉幼苗與蘇格蘭繡球菌共生關係之研究 |
187;4(1):117-138 |
1990 |
Study on the Symbiotic Relationship between Taiwania Cryptomerioides Hay. Seedlings and Glomus Caledonicum ( Nicol. & Gerd. ) Trappe & Gerdmann | |||
0418 |
陳永寬、吳紹鉻 數值地形資料處理中最適內插推值法之探討 |
187;4(1):139-145 |
1990 |
Optimum Interpolation Method for Dtm Data Processing | |||
0419 |
楊榮啟 從植物生態學理論研究林分結構林木相對生長及自我間伐法則間的關係 |
187;4(1):147-163 |
1990 |
Studies on the Relationship of Structure, Allometric Growth of Tree and Self - thinning Rule Based on the Principles of Plant Ecology |