Vol.06 No.4
0641 | 羅漢強 保育生物學 |
198;6(4):1-32 |
1992 |
Conservation Biology | |||
0642 | 劉儒淵 遊客踐踏對塔塔加地區植群衝擊之研究 |
198;6(4):33-78 |
1992 |
Trampling Impacts on Vegetation of Tataka Racreation Area, Yushan National Park, Central Taiwan | |||
0643 | 胡弘道 臺灣塊菌(新種)及其菌根關係 |
198;6(4):79-86 |
1992 |
Tuber Formosanum sp. Nov. and its Mycorrhizal Associatinos | |||
0644 | 王亞男、姜家華、吳淑華 臺灣杉之組織培養 |
198;6(4):89-108 |
1992 |
Tissue Culture of Taiwania Cryptomerioides Hay. | |||
0645 | 陳秋銓、羅漢強 臺灣桑寄生科木本寄生之分布 |
198;6(4):109-130 |
1992 |
Distribution of woody parasites of Loranthaceae in Taiwan | |||
0646 |
王亞男、姜家華、胡文菁 杉木之微體繁殖 |
198;6(4):131-148 |
1992 |
Micropropagation of cunninghamia Lanceolata Lamb. Var. Lanceolata. | |||
0647 |
焦國模、郭振凌 森林光譜特性推估林分鬱閉度之研究 |
198;6(4):149-176 |
1992 |
A Study on Using Spectral Reflectances to Estimate Forest Crown Closure | |||
0648 |
許世宏、唐凱軍、姜家華、金恆鑣 陽明山國家公園內地表水pH值與鐵鋁錳之濃度 |
198;6(4):177-188 |
1992 |
Dissolved Iron, Aluminum, Manganese and Acidity in Surface Water of Yang Ming Shan National Park | |||
0649 |
謝漢欽、焦國模、陳永寬 大地衛星資訊在林分材積測定功效上之研究 |
198;6(4):189-224 |
1992 |
A study on the Effect of Landsat Data for Forest Volume Estimation |
Vol.06 No.3
0631 | 陳孫浩、羅漢強 烏心石枝條體外培養 |
197;6(3):1-16 |
1992 |
Shoot Cutrue in vitro in michelia compressa ( Maxim. ) Sarg. | |||
0632 | 姜家華、王亞男、張國禎、趙惠德 臺灣櫸遺傳變異之研究(二) |
1992 |
The Study on the genetic variance of Zelkova serrata (Ⅱ) | |||
0633 | 蔡宗叡、王亞男、姜家華 八年生雪梨藍桉之多芽體誘導 |
197;6(3):29-36 |
1992 |
Multiple Shoot Induction from Eight - year - old Trees of Eucalyptus Saligna | |||
0634 | 姚榮鼐、劉金淓、洪怡愷、梁治文 臺灣光臘樹在竹山地區23年之生長 |
197;6(3):37-48 |
1992 |
The Growth of 23 - year - old Taiwan Ash Plantation in Chu - Shan. | |||
0635 | 林建村、周蓮香、林曜松 溪頭森林遊樂區之蝴蝶相調查研究 |
197;6(3):49-66 |
1992 |
The butterfly fauna at Chi - tou Forest Recreation Area. | |||
0636 |
柳重勝 記臺灣產蘭科植物之一新種:鍾氏齒唇蘭 |
197;6(3):67-72 |
1992 |
Odontochilus purpureus : a new orchid species from Taiwan. | |||
0637 |
鄭祈全 地理資訊系統應用於林地土壤沖蝕之研究 |
197;6(3):73-86 |
1992 |
GIS Application in Forest Soil Erosion | |||
0638 |
劉明芬、陳信雄 森林小集水區逕流特性之研究 |
197;6(3):87-106 |
1992 |
A Study on the Runoff Characteristics of Small Forest Watersheds |
Vol.06 No.2
0621 | 陳信雄、劉明芬、楊蔚宇 都市近郊坡地開發對水文環境影響之研究 |
196;6(2):1-20 |
1992 |
Study on Slopeland Development Influence of Hydrologic Environment in the Suburban Area | |||
0622 | 應紹舜 臺灣產鳶尾科植物分類之研究 |
196;6(2):21-32 |
1992 |
Systematic Study on the Family Iridaceae of Taiwan | |||
0623 | 蔡宗叡、王亞男、姜家華 雪梨藍桉之組織培養繁殖 |
196;6(2):33-50 |
1992 |
Tissue Culture Propagation of Eucalyptus Saligna | |||
0624 | 焦國模 柳杉光譜反射特性與林分密度之研究 |
196;6(2):51-80 |
1992 |
A Study on Spectral Reflectance Characteristic and Stand Density of Cryptomeria | |||
0625 | 洪培元、姜家華、王亞男 不同種源臺灣櫸同功酶變異之研究 |
196;6(2):81-108 |
1992 |
Isozymes Variation in Different Provenances of Zelkova serrata ( Thunb. ) Mak. | |||
0626 |
陳秋銓、羅漢強 臺灣木本寄生之寄主種類調查 |
196;6(2):109-128 |
1992 |
Investigations on Host - species of Woody Parasites in Taiwan | |||
0627 |
吳東原、羅漢強 臺灣穗花杉族群內個體間形態差異 |
196;6(2):129-162 |
1992 |
Morphological variations among individuals in the population of Amentotaxus formosana Li | |||
0628 |
蔡金木、陳立衡 臺灣主要經濟樹材之膠合變異性(四)臺灣櫸、光臘樹及長尾尖櫧 |
196;6(2):163-183 |
1992 |
Variation in gluability of Some Economical Tree Species in Taiwan (Ⅳ) Taiwan Zelkova, Griffith's Ash, Longleaf Evergreen Chinkapin |
Vol.06 No.1
0611 | 楊榮啟 目標規劃在臺灣森林資源經營管理計畫決策上之應用 |
195;6(1):1-24 |
1992 |
An Application of Goal Programming to Forest Resource Management Planning and Decision Making in Taiwan | |||
0612 | 陳明杰、姚榮鼐、魏聰輝 溪頭天然林雨水與穿落水的 pH 值之初步觀測 |
1992 |
Observation on pH Value of Precipitation And Throughfall on Chitou's Natural Forest | |||
0613 | 陳信雄 臺灣森林集水區地下水文之研究-土壤水與地下水 |
195;6(1):39-58 |
1992 |
Study on the Forest Watershed Groundwater Hydrology in Taiwan - Soil Moisture and Groundwater Hydrology | |||
0614 | 賴明洲、柳重勝、鍾年鈞 臺灣秋海棠科一新種-南投秋海棠 |
195;6(1):59-63 |
1992 |
Begonia Nantoensis, A New Species from Taiwan | |||
0615 | 柳重勝、鍾年鈞 記臺灣蘭科植物相新記錄種-八代赤箭 |
195;6(1):65-69 |
1992 |
Gastrodia Confusa Honda & Tuyama, A New Addition to the Orchid Flora of Taiwan | |||
0616 |
林振榮、施能毅、王松永 柳杉、杉木造林木之製材品等與彎曲性質之相關研究 |
195;6(1):71-101 |
1992 |
Studies on the Lumber Grades and Bending Properties of Japanese - ceder and China - fir Plantation Trees | |||
0617 |
陳秋銓、羅漢強 梨山地次生闊葉林中木本寄生植物相調查 |
195;6(1):103-124 |
1992 |
Investigation on woody parasitic florulas in Secondary hardwoods in Li - Shan area | |||
0618 |
莊世滋、王松永 九種美國阿拉巴馬州產木材彎曲載重下的中立軸狀態 |
195;6(1):125-139 |
1992 |
Shifting of Neutral Axis in Alabama Native Woods under Flexural Loading |