Vol.27 No.4
2741 | 葉信廷、李奇峰、吳士緯、施禮正、王亞男、余瑞珠 屏東平地造林地內取食櫸木之昆蟲功能群 |
282:27(4):251-262 |
2013 |
Investigation of Insect Feeding Guilds on Zelkova serrata (Ulmaceae) in Wanlong Plantation, Pintung County | |||
2742 | 劉興旺、黃聖焜、關秉宗、王亞男 臺灣中部地區人工林臺灣杉樹輪生長特性 | 282:27(4):263-272 | 2013 |
Tree Ring Characteristics Analysis of Taiwan Firs (Taiwania cryptomerioides) in Central Taiwan | |||
2743 | 賴彥任、張振生、曹崇銘、魏聰輝、江博能、王亞男 利用小型量水堰評估復育造林過程對土壤沖蝕影響之初探 |
282:27(4):272-284 |
2013 |
Preliminary Assessment of Soil Erosion Impact During Forest Restoration Process Using Self-Designed Tiny Weirs | |||
2744 | 胡正恆、郭耀綸、陳芬蕙 恆春熱帶海岸林復舊初期的鼠啃苗木現象 | 282:27(4):285-295 | 2013 |
Rodent Damage Assessment on Early Stage Coastal Reforestation Project in Hengchun, Taiwan | |||
2745 | 黃冠鳳、楊智凱、王介鼎、李宜儒、邱祈榮、曲芳華 臺灣山櫻花APETALA1基因之選殖與序列分析 | 282:27(4):297-305 | 2013 |
Gene Cloning and Sequence Analysis of APETALA1 from Prnus campanulata | |||
2746 | 江念庭、陳潔音、曲芳華 木本植物之外生菌根對環境逆境之作用 | 282:27(4):307-311 | 2013 |
The Effects of Ectomycorrhiza on Woody Plant Resistance to Environmental Stress |
Vol.27 No.3
2731 | 陳明杰、曾俊偉 契約林地混農林業使用可行性及對水資源涵養影響之研究 |
281:27(3):171-188 |
2013 |
Feasibility Study of Agroforestry and the Effects on Water Resource Conservation | |||
2732 | 梁偉立、歐宛妮、詹孟浚、呂宗烜、洪鳳栩 新造林及混農林坡地水文地質敏感區域之調查 | 281:27(3):189-201 | 2013 |
Investigation of Hydro-geological Sensitive Area on Agro-afforested and Afforested Hillslopes | |||
2733 | 王亞男、劉興旺、趙淑芬 混農林業可行性評估分析-以臺大實驗林為例 |
281:27(3):203-213 |
2013 |
Feasibility Assessment on Agroforestry: Experience with the Experimental Forest, National Taiwan University | |||
2734 | 顏愛靜、江瑞雄、 李健豪 臺大實驗林契約林地使用管制之探討 | 281:27(3):215-226 | 2013 |
A Discussion of Leased Forestlands Use and Control in NTUEF | |||
2735 | 陳陽發、黃嘉龍、林容諄、徐堉峰 臺大實驗林溪頭及鳳凰地區蠶蛾科生態調查及替代性教材初探 | 281:27(3):227-237 | 2013 |
Teaching Material Development and Bombycidae Biology Investigation in Xitou and Fenghuang Area, National Taiwan University Experimental Forest | |||
2736 | 阮素芬、陳右人 混茶林業之可行性 | 281:27(3):239-250 | 2013 |
Feasibility Study of Forest-tea Production System |
Vol.27 No.2
2721 | 莊閔傑、 鄭森松、 林群雅、 李佳如、 王亞男、張上鎮 利用SPME分析臺灣桂竹筍揮發成分及筍香成分 | 280:27(2):85-93 | 2013 |
Using SPME to profie volatile compounds with characteristic odor of Phyllostachys makinoi shoots in Taiwan | |||
2722 | 彭嘉文、 胡智翔、 林翰謙 預炭化及接續木灰-水蒸氣複合活化製備柳杉活性碳之研究 | 280:27(2):95-110 | 2013 |
Preparation of Japanese Cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) Activated Carbon using Precarbonization, Subsequent Wood Ash and Steam Activation |
2723 | 陳陽發、黃嘉龍、林容諄、徐堉峰、郭福麟 臺大實驗林溪頭及鳳凰地區桑科植物鱗翅目昆蟲初探 | 280:27(2):111-121 | 2013 |
Investigation of Lepidoptera on Moraceae Plants in Xitou and Fenghuang Area, National Taiwan University Experimental Forest | |||
2724 | 何健鎔、方華德、陳寶樹、劉中慧、劉淑芬、謝玲、謝秋華、陳顯彰、何季耕 翡翠水庫地區蝴蝶多樣性之研究 | 280:27(2):123-146 | 2013 |
Study of Butterfl Diversity at Feitsui Reservoir | |||
2725 | 高士弼、楊平世、李春霖 臺灣產大蕈蟲亞科昆蟲(鞘翅目:扁甲總科:大蕈蟲科)名錄 | 280:27(2):147-163 | 2013 |
Checklist of Erotylinae (Coleoptera: Cucujoidea: Erotylidae) in Taiwan | |||
2726 | 江念庭、陳潔音、曲芳華 植物與植食昆蟲交互作用中土壤微生物所扮演之角色 | 280:27(2):165-170 | 2013 |
The role of benefiial soil microorganisms in the interaction between plants and herbivores |
Vol.27 No.1
2711 | 楊智凱、劉威廷、陳陽發、陳秋萍、王亞男 臺大實驗林溪頭自然教育園區庭園紀念樹之探源 | 279:27(1):1-16 | 2013 |
The Origin Investigation of Memorial Trees in the Garden of Xitou Nature Education Area, Experimental Forest, National Taiwan University | |||
2712 | 陳忠義、黃文俊、王亞男、吳宗賢 福山地區山紅柿不同冠層高度光合作用及二氧化碳固定效益之研究 | 279:27(1):17-23 | 2013 |
Study of Photosynthesis and CO2 Sequestration in Different Canopy Height of Diospyros morrisiana in Fu-Shan | |||
2713 | 陳潔音、王介鼎、王亞男、蕭文偉 臺大實驗林和社樹木標本園大型真菌調查研究 | 279:27(1):25-32 | 2013 |
Macrofungus Investigation in Heshe Arboretum | |||
2714 | 劉威廷、楊智凱、王亞男、張倍誠、黃曜謀 臺大實驗林溪頭營林區石松類及蕨類植物調查研究 | 279:27(1):33-48 | 2013 |
The Investigation of Lycophytes and Monilophytes in Xitou Tract, Experimental Forest, National Taiwan University | |||
2715 | 衛強、魏聰輝、葉惠中、陳彥璋、鄭克聲 臺大實驗林轄區降雨強度延時頻率分析及降雨等值線之繪製 | 279:27(1):49-75 | 2013 |
Rainfall Intensity-Duration-Frequency Analysis and Rainfall Contour Mapping in NTUEF | |||
2716 | 陳陽發、王亞男、徐堉峰、楊平世 臺大實驗林溪頭自然教育園區有毒鱗翅目調查 | 279:27(1):77-84 | 2013 |
Inventory of Venomous Moth (Insecta: Lepidoptera) in Xitou Nature Education Area, Experimental Forest, National Taiwan University |