Vol.07 No.4
0741 | 姚榮鼐 臺灣杉人工林生長與林分密度關係之研究 |
202;7(4):1-12 |
1993 |
Studies of the Relation Between Growth and Stand Density of Taiwania Plantations | |||
0742 | 廖日京 臺灣原始花被亞綱之分類研究(二)榆科及杜仲科 |
202;7(4):13-26 |
1993 |
Taxonomical Studies on the Archichalmydeae on Taiwan (Ⅱ) Ulmaceae and Eucommiaceae | |||
0743 | 魏聰輝、姚榮鼐、呂正吉、陳信雄 和社溪溫泉資源之調查 |
202;7(4):27-47 |
1993 |
The Investigations on Spa Resource in Hoshe River | |||
0744 | 張上鎮、鄒哲宗、顧文君、李鴻麟 木材用聚胺基甲酸脂塗料耐候性之比較 |
202;7(4):49-58 |
1993 |
Comparisons of the Weatherability of Polyurethane Coatings Applied on Wood Surface | |||
0745 | 陳信雄、楊蔚宇 坡地開發與邊坡穩定調查及防治技術之研究(一) |
202;7(4):59-75 |
1993 |
The Study on Investigation and Prevening Technics of the Slope Land Development and the Slope Stability (Ⅰ) | |||
0746 |
王松永、郭博文 三種省產針葉樹材之熱傳導率探討 |
202;7(4):77-94 |
1993 |
Thermal Conductivity of Three Softwood Species Grown in Taiwan | |||
0747 |
簡文村、劉筱馨 臺大實驗林松鼠及飛鼠為害林木之防治效果探討(二) |
202;7(4):95-112 |
1993 |
Studies on the Damage and Control of Tree and Flying Squirrels in the Experimental Forest of National Taiwan University (Ⅱ) | |||
0748 |
鍾達雄、魏道駿 臺北市家具消費者購買行為之研究 |
202;7(4):113-147 |
1993 |
Studies on the Purchaser's Behavior Towards Furniture in Taipei |
Vol.07 No.3
0731 | 蘇鴻傑 臺灣根生節籣及鶴頂蘭(蘭科)之保育評估 |
201;7(3):1-14 |
1993 |
Conservation Evaluation on the Native Species of Calanthe and Phaius ( Orchidaceae ) in Taiwan | |||
0732 | 魏聰輝、姚榮鼐、陳信雄 臺大實驗林50年(1941~1990 )空氣溫度之變化趨勢 |
1993 |
The Air Temperature Secular Trend During in Past 50 Years ( 1941 - 1990 ) in Experimental Forest of NTU | |||
0733 | 陳明杰、李肇文 森林試驗集水區退水歷線之研究 |
201;7(3):27-52 |
1993 |
Study on the Recesion Curve of Forest Experimental Watershed | |||
0734 | 劉儒淵 踐踏對玉山步道沿線高山植群衝擊之研究 |
201;7(3):53-72 |
1993 |
Hiker Trampling Impacts on alpine vegetation Along Trails of Yushan National Park | |||
0735 | 劉明芬、陳信雄 臨前濕潤條件對降雨量與逕流量關係之研究 |
201;7(3):73-97 |
1993 |
Study on the Antecedent Moisture Condition Affected Relationship between Rainfall and Runoff | |||
0736 |
劉興旺、郭幸榮 針葉林林地枯枝落葉及腐植質之養分釋出 |
201;7(3):99-113 |
1993 |
Nutrient Release from Litter - fall and Humus in Coniferous Forest Soil | |||
0737 |
王亞男、姜家華、鄭瑞仁 氣溫及修剪處理對臺灣杉組織培養苗與實生苗苗木品質之影響 |
201;7(3):115-126 |
1993 |
The Effect of the Quality of Seedling Under Various Temperatures and Different Degrees of Pruning of Tissue Culture Plantlets and Seedilings of Taiwanin cryptomerioides Hay. | |||
0738 |
陳子英 臺灣北部楠櫧林帶闊葉林之植群分析 |
201;7(3):127-146 |
1993 |
Vegetation Analysis on the Broad - leaved Forests of Machilus - Castanopsis Forest Zone in Northern Taiwan |
Vol.07 No.2
0721 | 陳信雄 高爾夫球場對水文環境影響評估之研究 |
200;7(2):1-40 |
1993 |
A Study on the Influence to the Hydrological Environment Cause by Golf Course | |||
0722 | 胡弘道 外生菌根接種對臺灣二葉松幼苗在高山草生地土壤生長之效應 |
200;7(2):4-50 |
1993 |
Effects of Ectomycorrhlzal Inoculation on the Growth of Pinus Taiwanensis Seedlings on the Grassland Soils at High Altitude of Taiwan | |||
0723 | 沈敏娟、王亞男、姜家華 銀杏癒合組織之誘導與培養 |
200;7(2):51-66 |
1993 |
The Inducing and Culture of Callus of Ginkgo Biloba L. | |||
0724 | 廖日京 臺灣原始花被亞綱之分類研究(一)楊梅科、胡桃科及樺木科 |
200;7(2):67-83 |
1993 |
Taxonomic Study on the Archichlamydeae on Taiwan (Ⅰ) Myricaceae, Juglandaceae and Corylaceae | |||
0725 | 鍾達雄、梁孟君、塗三賢 室內裝潢用材產銷之研究(二) |
200;7(2):85-104 |
1993 |
Studies on Production and Sales of Domestic Decoration Wood (Ⅱ) Research on the Quality Control and Cost - analysis of Provincial Plantation as Interlor Decoration Wood | |||
0726 |
郭傳鎮、陳永寬、鄭祈全 臺大實驗林水源涵養保安林規劃探討 |
200;7(2):105-116 |
1993 |
A Guide Study for Planning the Protection Forest for Water Conservation in the Experimental Forest of NTU | |||
0727 |
陳信雄、楊蔚宇 不同土地利用對水資源涵養效益之調查研究(二) |
200;7(2):117-131 |
1993 |
Study on the Water Pesource Conservation in Different Landuse Areas | |||
0728 |
郭寶章、詹明勳 簡論森林之風害及其調查 |
200;7(2):133-147 |
1993 |
General Discussin on the Wind Damage and its Survey to Forests |
Vol.07 No.1
0711 | 劉儒淵 遊憩活動對八通關地區之植群衝擊之研究 |
199;7(1):1-32 |
1993 |
Recreational Impacts on Vegetation of Patungkuan Area, Yushan National Park, Central Taiwan | |||
0712 | 劉興旺、郭幸榮 森林生態系的脫氮作用 |
1993 |
Denitrification in Forest Ecosystem | |||
0713 | 陳信雄 崩塌地系統調查觀測分析及處理規劃之研究 |
199;7(1):43-64 |
1993 |
Study on a System of Survey, Measurement, Analysis and Design for Landslides Control | |||
0714 | 王松永、曾偉宏 杉木之縱向壓縮與靜曲強度之變異性探討 |
199;7(1):65-77 |
1993 |
Variation in Compression Parallel - to Grain and Bending Strength of Ching - Fir ( Cunninghamia lanceolata ) Grown in Taiwan | |||
0715 | 鍾年鈞、柳重勝 記臺灣蘭科植物相新記錄種--緣毛松蘭 |
199;7(1):79-73 |
1993 |
Gastrochilus Ciliaris Maekawa, A New Addition to the Orehid Flora of Taiwan | |||
0716 |
應紹舜 溪頭蜘蛛蘭及應氏囊唇蘭敘述之修訂 |
199;7(1):85-89 |
1993 |
Notes on Taeniophyllum Chitouensis Ying and Gastrochilus Shaoyaoii Ying | |||
0717 |
李國忠、賴建興、盧繼承、連錦漳 臺灣木材供需-產業需求 |
199;7(1):91-126 |
1993 |
Timber Demand and Supply in Taiwan - Industrial Demand | |||
0718 |
李國忠、賴建興、連錦漳 臺灣地區竹材產銷與經濟分析 |
199;7(1):127-155 |
1993 |
An Economic Analysis of Bamboo Marketing in Taiwan |