Vol.28 No.4
2841 | 衛強、葉惠中、陳彥璋、曹崇銘 應用遙測與地文資料以共用鄰域法進行陳有蘭溪上游集水區莫拉克颱風新增崩塌地環境敏感度分類之研究 | 286:28(4):217-237 | 2014 |
A shared near neighbours approach to the landslide classification induced by Typhoon Morakot using remote sensing and geological data at upstream of the Chen-Yu-Lan River watershed | |||
2842 | 賴彥任、魏聰輝、林博雄、李靜峰 雪山主東峰線MODIS地表溫度驗證及特性探討 | 286:28(4):239-250 | 2014 |
Validation and Characteristics Analysis of MODIS Land Surface Temperature along the East Ridge of the Syue Mountain in Central Taiwan | |||
2843 | 李春霖、楊平世、王琄嬋 六龜黑金龜(鞘翅目:金龜子科:鰓金龜亞科)雌蟲之首次發現並論雄蟲外生殖器 | 286:28(4):251-257 | 2014 |
TDiscovery of the female Holotrichia liukueiensis Kobayashi (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae) with notes on male genitalia | |||
2844 | 李佳如、鄭森松、蔡明哲、張上鎮、莊閔傑 利用國產疏伐木開發具傳統榫接特色之文創商品(Ⅰ) | 286:28(4):259-277 | 2014 |
Using domestic thinned wood to develop the cultural and creative products with characteristics of traditional mortise (I) | |||
2845 | 吳采諭 國立臺灣大學實驗林管理處轄區鳥類資源研究概況及未來展望 | 286:28(4):279-294 | 2014 |
A review and prospect of avian studies in the NTU Experimental Forest | |||
2846 | 柯淳涵、蔡明哲、張芳志 林業廢棄資源在綠色能源之應用 | 286:28(4):295-303 | 2014 |
Green Energy Application of Forestry Waste |
Vol.28 No.3
2831 | 衛強、葉惠中、陳彥璋、鄭克聲 氣候變遷對臺大實驗林轄區降雨雨型影響之研究 | 285:28(3):149-165 | 2014 |
Study on the changes of rainfall hyetograph due to the influences of climate change in the administrative areas of the National Taiwan University Experimental Forest | |||
2832 | 陳潔音、王亞男、蕭文偉 臺大實驗林下坪自然教育園區大型真菌調查之分析 | 285:28(3):167-173 | 2014 |
Data Analysis from Macrofungi Investigation in the Xiaping Nature Education Area of the Experimental Forest of National Taiwan University | |||
2833 | 楊永瓊、陳亭瑋、徐堉峰、楊平世、王亞男、余志祥、吳立偉 利用粒腺體 cox2 基因檢測四川攀枝花市蘇鐵綺灰蝶的來源 | 285:28(3):175-184 | 2014 |
Tracing the source of Chilades pandava found in Panzhihua city, Sichuan by using mitochondrial cox2 gene | |||
2834 | 陳忠義、謝忠諺、余瑞珠、王亞男 屏東萬隆農場印度紫檀之生長及CO2吸存量 | 285:28(3):185-194 | 2014 |
Growth and CO2 Sequestration of Pterocarpus indicus in the Wan-Long farm, Pingtung | |||
2835 | 陳陽發、陳姿伶、楊平世 氣候變遷對昆蟲的影響 | 285:28(3):195-209 | 2014 |
Influence of climate change on insects | |||
2836 | 文起祥、曲芳華 林木葉老化之基因表現 | 285:28(3):211-216 | 2014 |
Gene expression of tree leaf senescence |
Vol.28 No.2
2821 | 張振生、許祐昇、黃敬倫、陳明杰 溪頭地區柳杉人工林穿落水與截留之研究 | 284:28(2):81-95 | 2014 |
Study on Throughfall and Interception of a Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica ) Plantation in Xitou Ar | |||
2822 | 余家斌、李慎威、陳群育 溪頭自然教育園區遊憩衝突與滿意度之研究:台灣與中國遊客之比較 | 284:28(2):97-107 | 2014 |
Study of Recreation Conflict and Satisfaction in Xitou Nature Education Area: A Comparison of Taiwan and China Tourists | |||
2823 | 洪聖峰、何政坤、林欣德 芳樟醇型土肉桂嫁接及扦插之初步成活表現 | 284:28(2):109-121 | 2014 |
Preliminary Results of Grafting and Cutting Tests of Cinnamoumum osmophloeum “Linalool Type” Kaneh. | |||
2824 | 洪聖峰、潘富俊 利用逢機擴大多型性去氧核醣核酸標誌鑑定棍棒椰子(Hyophorbe verschaffeltii )及酒瓶椰子(H. lagenicaulis )之天然雜交種 | 284:28(2):123-130 | 2014 |
Identifying the Natural Hybrids Between Hyophorbe verschaffeltii and H. lagenicaulis by RAPD Markers | |||
2825 | 林彥良、陳潔音、蕭文偉、曲芳華 牛樟芝內切型纖維水解酵素之分子特性 | 284:28(2):131-138 | 2014 |
Molecular characterization of β-1,4-endoglucanase from Antrodia cinnamomea | |||
2826 | 文起祥、曲芳華 植物秋季葉變色 | 284:28(2):139-146 | 2014 |
Plant Autumn Leaf Coloration |
Vol.28 No.1
2811 | 洪志遠、林宜蓁、陳明杰 溪頭柳杉人工林能量收支特性之研究 | 283:28(1):1-15 | 2014 |
Characteristics of Energy Budget in a Japanese ceder (Cryptomeria japonica ) plantation at Xitou area | |||
2812 | 鄭景鵬、楊勝驛、王亞男、蔡明哲、邱祈榮 溪頭地區柳杉長期樹高生長與胸徑-樹高曲線之研究 | 283:28(1):17-29 | 2014 |
Study of Long-term Growth of Tree Height and Height-diameter Curve in Xitou Japanese Cedar (Cryptomeria japonica ) Plantation | |||
2813 | 王亞男、林麗貞、張倍誠、李冠賢、余家斌 溪頭自然教育園區社會心理承載量調查 | 283:28(1):31-44 | 2014 |
Social Carrying Capacity Investigation in Xitou Nature Education Area | |||
2814 | 朱宗威、陳建璋、陳朝圳 無人空中載具數位影像應用於林分蓄積量之推估 | 283:28(1):45-54 | 2014 |
Estimating Stand Stocks by Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Image | |||
2815 | 黃冠鳳、李宜儒、曲芳華 山櫻花APETALA2基因之選殖與序列分析 | 283:28(1):55-63 | 2014 |
Gene Cloning and Sequence Analysis of APETALA2 | |||
2816 | 黃裕星、吳俊賢、黃正良、王培蓉 混農林經營與發展趨勢—以歐盟、美國與印度為例 | 283:28(1):65-80 | 2014 |
The Study on the Development of the EU, US and India’s Agroforestry Management Scheme |