Vol.20 No.4
852 | 陳美惠、李來錫、林晉戎 社區領導人對於社區林業計畫執行影響之研究 | 254:20(4):227-241 | 2006 |
Impacts of Community Leaders on Executing Community Forestry Projects | |||
853 | 蔡書玄、張長義 社區參與生態旅遊-以陽明山國家公園魚路古道結合八煙社區為例- | 254:20(4):243-259 | 2006 |
Community Participation In Ecotourism -A Case Study of Incorporating the Fish Road Historic Trail and Bayan Community in the Yangmingshan National Park- | |||
854 | 陳冠曲、林喻東 溪頭森林遊樂區遊客遊憩體驗、滿意度與行為意向關係之研究 | 254:20(4):261-277 | 2006 |
A Study of Relationship among Recreation Experience, Satisfaction and Behavior Intention in Xitou Forest Recreational Area | |||
855 | 林文隆、曾惠芸、曾啟政 蛇類體長的量測:快速、精確與安全的電腦影像處理技術 | 254:20(4):279-283 | 2006 |
Fast, Accurate and Safe Measurement of Snake Body Length by Computer Image Analysis | |||
856 | 宋晨寧、蕭英倫、林喻東 社區植樹綠美化政策宣導及政策參與之研究 | 254:20(4):285-297 | 2006 |
Policy Promotion and Participation of Community Tree Planting and Revegetation | |||
857 | 李金玲、黃憶汝、沈介文、劉婉霞 溪頭柳杉人工林林下植群恢復研究 | 254:20(4):299-307 | 2006 |
Study on the Recovery of Understory Vegetation of Cryptomeria japonica Plantations in Xitou, Central Taiwan |
Vol.20 No.3
846 | 林國銓、杜清澤、徐嘉君、黃菊美 六龜試驗林亞熱帶天然闊葉林地上部碳貯存量之估算 | 253;20(3):153-164 | 2006 |
Aboveground Carbon Accumulation of Subtropical Natural Broadleaf Forests in the Liukuei Experimental Forest of Southern Taiwan | |||
847 | 何坤益、張景富 台灣西部溪流構樹之遺傳結構與水系棲地關係 | 253;20(3):165-174 | 2006 |
Relationship Between Population Genetic Structure and Riparian Habitats of Broussonetia papyrifera Vent. on The Western Taiwan | |||
848 | 林達瑤、林喻東、林松村 國家森林解說志工參與解說服務動機與工作滿意度之研究-以新竹林區管理處為例 | 253;20(3):175-190 | 2006 |
The Motivation and Satisfaction of the Voluntarily Participated Interpretation Service -A Case Study of Hsinchu Forest District Office | |||
849 | 黃俊源、林喻東 特有生物研究保育中心解說志工教育訓練、學習與解說成效之研究 | 253;20(3):191-203 | 2006 |
A Study on the Interpretation Effectiveness from the Training and Learning of the Voluntary Interpreters at the Endemic Species Research Institute | |||
850 | 孫岩章、林秀穗、謝煥儒 茶白紋羽病及其病原菌 | 253;20(3):205-213 | 2006 |
Morphological and Physiological Characterization of Dematophora necatrix Isolates from Camellia sinensis | |||
851 | Chien-Jen Wang, Hann-Chung Lo | 253;20(3):215-225 | 2006 |
Microsporogenesis and Microgametogenesis in Reevesia formosana Sprague |
Vol.20 No.2
840 | 古喬云、張惠婷、張上鎮 化學改質處理對木材耐腐朽性之改善效果 | 252;20(2):77-85 | 2006 |
Improvement of Decay Resistance of Wood by Chemical Modification | |||
841 | 謝欣怡、李金玲、黃憶汝、袁孝維 鳳凰自然教育園區野生脊椎動物及植物之多樣性 | 252;20(2):87-97 | 2006 |
Species Diversity of Wildlife at Feng Haung Nature Education Area | |||
842 | 詹明勳、王亞男、高毓謙、陳勁豪、林金樹、蕭文偉 樹木目視評估危險度及健康度-以台中縣市老樹為例 | 252;20(2):99-116 | 2006 |
Application of Tree Visual Assessment for Failure and Health Evaluation–A case study of Aged Trees in Taichung City and County | |||
843 | 蕭文偉、王亞男、陳重銘、陳潔音、朱珮綺、詹明勳 鳳凰自然教育園區「茶科學與文化」教育研習之成果分析 | 252;20(2):117-124 | 2006 |
Benefit Analysis of Tea Science and Culture Workshop at Fenghuang Nature Education Area | |||
844 | 蔡國書、王亞男 大葉桉以玻璃質化法進行超低溫保存之研究 | 252;20(2):125-131 | 2006 |
Cryopreservation of Eucalyptus robusta by Vitrification Technique | |||
845 | 劉啟斌、葉慶龍、陳子英 恆春半島天然植群分類系統 | 252;20(2):133-152 | 2006 |
Natural Vegetation Classification System of the Hengchun Peninsula |
Vol.20 No.1
834 | 衛強 以多期遙測衛星影像監測臺大實驗林溪頭營林區三處崩塌地災害 | 251;20(1):1-14 | 2006 |
Monitoring the 1Change of Three Landslide Sites in Xitou Tract of NTU Experimental Forest by Using Multi-temporal Satellite Images | |||
835 | 林曉洪、王秀華 雁皮蘇打法製漿與漂白之研究 | 251;20(1):15-29 | 2006 |
The Study of Pulping Process and Bleaching of Gampi (Winstroemia silkokiana) | |||
836 | 鄭曉雲、應紹舜 台灣的艷紅鹿子百合生物學之研究 | 251;20(1):31-43 | 2006 |
Biological Study of Lilium speciosum Thunb. var. gloriosoides Baker of Taiwan | |||
837 | 王亞男、孫岩章、蕭文偉、陳潔音、陳重銘 過江藤之白絹病 | 251;20(1):45-50 | 2006 |
Southern blight of Greene Verbenaceae | |||
838 | 史育禎、張長義、蔡博文 社區林業作為部落自然資源管理之想像-新竹縣尖石鄉司馬庫斯部落個案研究 | 251;20(1):51-64 | 2006 |
The Examination of the Community Forestry Project for Community-based Natural Resource Management-A Case of the Indigenous Smangus Tribe | |||
839 | 許崑衍、李明仁 叢枝菌根菌Acaulospora scrobiculata對羅氏鹽膚木苗木生理特性之效應 | 251;20(1):65-76 | 2006 |
Effects of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Acaulospora scrobiculata on Physiological Characteristics of Rhus chinensis var. roxburghii Seedlings |