Vol.08 No.4
0841 | 柳重勝 記臺灣產蘭科植物之一新種:全唇線柱蘭 |
206;8(4):1-5 |
1994 |
A New Zeuxine Species ( Orchidaceae ) from Taiwan | |||
0842 | 魏聰輝、姚榮鼐、周瑞龍 臺大實驗林轄區四種氣象要素之分析 |
206;8(4):7-24 |
1994 |
An Analysis on 4 Meteorological Factors at the Experimental Forest of National Taiwan University | |||
0843 | 郭幸榮、林曄理、許世宏 模擬酸雨與鹽沫對木麻黃苗木之為害 |
206;8(4):25-45 |
1994 |
The Damage of Simulated Acid Rain and Salt Spray to Casuarina Seedling | |||
0844 | 陳永寬、賴晃宇 數值地形模型應幃於潛在崩塌地之預測 |
206;8(4):47-64 |
1994 |
Application of GIS on Landslide Hazard Analysis | |||
0845 | 鍾達雄、孫紹坤 臺灣家具製造業引進製造資源規劃系統現況之研究 |
206;8(4):65-98 |
1994 |
Studies on the Running Efficiency of MRP Ⅱ System in the Furniture Making Industry in Taiwan | |||
0846 | 張上鎮、張惠婷 氣爆木材化學組成分與結構之變化 |
206;8(4):99-111 |
1994 |
The Variation of Chemical Composition and Structure of Wood by Steam Explosion |
Vol.08 No.3
0831 | 焦國模 大地衛星主題測繪儀與試驗觀察衛星高解像力成像儀數據在林冠密度測估上功效之比較 |
205;8(3):1-27 |
1994 |
A Comparison Between Landsat - TM and SPOT Data on Forest Canopy Density Estimation | |||
0832 | 陳信雄 臺灣森林集水區地下水文之研究(四)地下水追蹤與地下水文 |
205;8(3):29-45 |
1994 |
Study on the Groundwater Hydrology of Forest Watershed in Taiwan (Ⅳ) Groundeater Tracing and Groundwater Hydrology | |||
0833 | 胡弘道 臺灣二葉松與松茸共生關係之研究(一)松茸與臺灣二葉松之半無菌菌根合成 |
205;8(3):47-54 |
1994 |
Study on the Relationship between Pinus taiwanensis and Tricholoma matsutake (Ⅰ) Semi - Aseptic Mycorrhiza Synthesis of Tricholoma matsutake and Pinus taiwanesis | |||
0834 | 周佰隆、張上鎮 光安定劑對木器用聚胺基甲酸酯及硝化纖維素透明塗料耐久性之影響(一)基本性質與耐光性之影響 |
205;8(3):55-69 |
1994 |
Effect of Light Stabilizers on the Durability of PU and NC Clear Coatings on Wood. I. Basic Properties and Lightfastness | |||
0835 | 郭幸榮、沈靜宜 烏心石種子成熟度與貯藏對種子發芽能力之影響 |
205;8(3):71-82 |
1994 |
The Effects of Maturity and Storage on the Seed Viability of Michelia compressa var. formosana | |||
0836 | 許世宏、魏聰輝、姚榮鼐、陳信雄、郭幸榮、陳明杰溪頭地區降雨與林內穿落雨的pH值及鹽基離子濃度 |
205;8(3):83-97 |
1994 |
Concentrations of Base Cations and pH of Rainfall and Throughfallin Two Plantations in Chi - tou Area | |||
0837 |
林金樹 分層群聚分析法在檢測土地覆蓋變遷上之研究 |
205;8(3):99-112 |
1994 |
Study on the Stratified Clustering Analysis for Detecting the Land Cover Changes |
Vol.08 No.2
0821 | 廖日京 臺灣被子植物之形態分類研究(一)大風子科、玉蕊科及使君子科 |
204;8(2):1-28 |
1994 |
Morphological and Taaxonomical Studies on the Angiospermae in Taiwan (Ⅰ) Flacourtiaceae, Lecythidaceae and Combretaceae. | |||
0822 | 林親義、陳信雄 石門水庫集水區降雨歷線之分布特性 |
204;8(2):29-37 |
1994 |
Distribution Characteristics of the Hyetograph in Shihmen Reservoir Watershed | |||
0823 | 劉興旺、郭幸榮 森林土壤微生物的發展近況 | 204;8(2):39-52 | 1994 |
Some New Approachs About Forest Soil Microorganism | |||
0824 | 王亞男、姜家華、余金益 五年生及二十五年生臺灣杉之微體繁殖 |
204;8(2):53-70 |
1994 |
The Micropropagation of 5 - year - old and 25 - year - old Trees of Taiwania cryptomerioides | |||
0825 | 簡尹村、林世宗 臺灣紅豆杉之育林研究(一)種子發芽與實生苗之培育 |
204;8(2):71-81 |
1994 |
Silvicultural Studies on Taiwan Yew ( Taxus sumatrans ) (Ⅰ) Seed Germination Testing and Seedling Tending | |||
0826 |
羅漢強 切傷處理不同成熟度烏心石種子之萌發及生長 |
204;8(2):83-86 |
1994 |
Germination and Growth of Seeds of Michelia compressa ( Maxim. ) Sarg. with Uneven Maturity after Cut - wounding Treatment | |||
0827 |
高清、黃文意 臭氧對樟樹與木麻黃生理之影響 |
204;8(2):87-98 |
1994 |
The Effect of Ozone on Cinnamomum camphora and Casuarina equisetifolia | |||
0828 |
陳信雄 檳榔--臺灣水資源的另一殺手 |
204;8(2):99-102 |
1994 |
Betel Palm - The Another Killer of Water Resources in Taiwan |
Vol.08 No.1
0811 | 胡弘道 臺灣二葉松幼苗在高山草生地之栽植試驗 | 203;8(1):1-28 | 1994 |
Experiment of Pinus taiwanenssis Hay. Ectomycorrhizal Seedlings Planted on Grassland Soils at High Altitude | |||
0812 | 姚榮鼐 臺大實驗林契約林經營趨勢之分析 | 203;8(1):29-37 | 1994 |
Analysis of Management Tendencies of Contract Plantations of the Experimental Forest, NTU | |||
0813 | 李國忠 獎勵農地造林之經濟效果研究 | 203;8(1):39-52 | 1994 |
An Economic Study of Agroforestry on Argiculture Land in Taiwan | |||
0814 | 陳信雄、廖學誠 蘭陽溪上游集水區水土保持需要性評估之研究 | 203;8(1):53-70 | 1994 |
Evaluation of Necessities of Soil and Water Conservation for Up - Stream of Lan - Yang His Watershed | |||
0815 | 王亞男、姜家華、林敏宜 扁柏屬林木之原生質體分離與培養 | 203;8(1):71-81 | 1994 |
Isolation and Culture of the Protoplast of Chamaecyaris Spp. | |||
0816 |
鍾達雄、塗三賢 本省木材供應與需求價格變動之研究(一) | 203;8(1):83-86 | 1994 |
Studies on the Price Fluctuation of Wood Supply and Demand in Taiwan (Ⅰ) | |||
0817 |
沈敏娟、王亞男、姜家華 銀杏之組織培養 |
203;8(1):87-98 |
1994 |
.Tissue Culture of Ginkgo biloba L. | |||
0818 |
鄭欽龍 水經濟價值評估--線性規劃法之應用 |
203;8(1):99-102 |
1994 |
An Evaluation of the Economic Value of Water - An Application of the Linear Programming Model |