Vol.25 No.4

972 林明鏘 混農林業政策及法令分析 274:25(4):223-233 2011
Analysis of Agroforestry Policy, Law, and Decree
973 黃裕星、黃瓊彪、吳俊賢、王培蓉 臺灣混農林業政策規劃及可行性探討 274:25(4):235-247 2011
The Feasibility Study of Agroforestry Policy Formulation in Taiwan
974 林維德、張義宏、鍾仁賜 臺灣大學實驗林部分森林土壤用於農業栽培對土壤化學性質、酵素與微生物活性之影響 274:25(4):249-261 2011
The Effects of Agricultural Cultivation on Chemical, Biological and Enzymatic Activities of Some Soils of NTU Experimental forest
975 李志展、吳昀軒、黃玉如、陳炳勝、劉建良、顏瑞泓 森林環境中種植茶樹時農藥施用後擴散情形研究 274:25(4):263-272 2011
The Distribution of Pesticides in Tea Garden Surround by Forest
976 李國譚、黃靜芬、莊雅芳 臍橙非臺灣進行混農林業之適當果樹作物 274:25(4):273-281 2011
Navel Orange is Not an Appropriate Option for Agroforestry in Taiwan
977 林淑怡、張富翔、劉興旺、羅筱鳳 內茅埔營林區烏心石造林地間作蔬菜之可行性研究 274:25(4):283-295 2011
Feasibility Assessment of Vegetables Intercropping with Afforest Land of Michelia formosana in NTU Experimental Forest.

Vol.25 No.3

966 邱祈榮、楊勝驛、王亞男、蔡明哲、鄭景鵬 溪頭二種不同栽植密度柳杉長期生長之比較 273:25(3):161-171 2011
A Long-Term Stand Growth Comparison between Two Types Density of Cryptomeria Plantation in Xitou
967 楊智凱、陳陽發、陳秋萍、王亞男 臺灣兩種新歸化植物-號角樹(錐頭麻科)與蟾蜍樹(夾竹桃科) 273:25(3):173-179 2011
Two Newly Naturalized Plants in Taiwan: Cecropia peltata L. (Cecropiaceae)and Tabernaemontana elegans Stapf. (Apocynaceae)
968 王亞男、林麗貞、張倍誠、黃憶汝、王介鼎 溪頭自然教育園區經營管理及遊客人數之初探 273:25(3):181-191 2011
Preliminary Investigation of Visitor Arrivals and Management Implication in Xitou Nature Education Area
969 余瑞珠、吳宗賢、黃文俊、王亞男  福山地區鋸葉長尾栲不同冠層二氧化碳固定功能之研究 273:25(3):193-200 2011
A Study of CO2 Fixation in Different Canopies of Castanopsis carlesii in Fu-Shan
970 李佳如、莊閔傑、莊玉慧、蔡明哲、王亞男、陳啟雄 利用疏伐木竹材開發具臺大實驗林特色之木製紀念品(Ⅱ)-茶盤、盤架及調味罐 273:25(3):201-213 2011
Using Thinned Logs and Bamboo Materials to Develop Wood Souvenirs with the Characteristics of Experimental Forest of National Taiwan University (II)—Tea Boards, Dish Shelves and Casters
971 王松永 木質材料之甲醛在乾燥器法之釋出量與小型容器法之逸散速率之相關性探討 273:25(3):215-221 2011
Examining the Correlation of Wood-Based Materials Formaldehyde Emission between Desiccator Method and Small Emission Test Chamber Method

Vol.25 No.2

960 衛  強、陳陽強、楊智凱、黃澺汝、陳玉珍、林松村  臺大實驗林溪頭營林區生態滯洪池之環境生態與景觀改善效益評估 272:25(2):81-101 2011
Assessing the Benefits of Environmental Ecology and Landscape Improvement in the Detention Ponds of NTUEF, Xitou
961 江博能、余瑞珠、鄒裕民、王亞男  溫度及添加量對新鮮葉片養份分解影響 272:25(2):103-111 2011
Effects of Temperature and Addition upon the Nutrient Decomposition of Fresh Leaves
962 林法勤、石子賢、曾郁珊、洪崇彬、王亞男、賴彥任、賴靖融  林間休閒原木屋溫溼度變化個案探討 272:25(2):113-128 2011
A Case Study on the Variation of Temperature and Humidity of the Leisure Log House in the Forests
963 王亞男、顏添明、李隆恩、陳淯婷  生長空間對柳杉人工同齡林胸高斷面積生長及存活之影響 272:25(2):129-138 2011
The Effects of Space on Basal Area Growth and Survival of Japanese Cedar ( Cryptomeria japonica )
964 李後鋒、葉信廷、王亞男、蔡明哲  白蟻於臺灣熱帶植物園的多樣性與危害方式 272:25(2):139-147 2011
Termite Diversity and Damage Pattern in Tropical Botanical Garden of Taiwan
965 魏聰輝、賴彥任、張振生、沈介文、洪志遠、王亞男、陳明杰  溪頭地區霧分布特性初探 272:25(2):149-160 2011
Preliminary Studies on Fog Characteristics at Xitou Region of Central Taiwan

Vol.25 No.1

954  何健鎔、何東輯、黃朝卿、張仕緯、林斯正、劉敏慧、程忠智、胡景瀚  特有生物研究保育中心低海拔試驗站長期生態監測之研究:野生動物普查與氣象因子監測 271:25(1):1-23 201
 Long Term Ecological Monitoring of Low Altitude Experimental Station, ESRI: Wildlife Survey and Climatic Factors Moni
955  余瑞珠、蔡明哲、王亞男  溪頭之一千株及二千株栽種密度柳杉長期試驗地之生長比較 271:25(1):25-32 2011
 Growth comparison between 1000 and 2000 stand densities from long-term research sites of Japanese Cedar in Xitou
956  李佳如、莊閔傑、蔡明哲、王亞男、陳啟雄  利用疏伐木開發具臺大實驗林特色之木製紀念品(Ⅰ)-相框、文具組及面紙盒 271:25(1):33-42 2011
 Using thinned logs to develop wood souvenirs with the characteristice of the Experimental Forest of National Taiwan University ( I ) - picture frames, stationery set and tissues box
957  鄭森松、李文馨、張上鎮、張惠婷  模擬泡茶模式對不同季節之茶葉進行抗氧化活性評估 271:25(1):43-50 2011
 Evaluation the Antioxidant Activity of Teas Harvested at Different Seasons by Brewed Extraction Method 
958  賴彥任、陳信雄、邱祈榮  利用自製儀器進行天空光輻射及地表反射輻射估算模式之驗證 271:25(1):51-66 201
 The Validation of Skylight Radiation Model and Terrestrial Reflected Radiation Model Using Self - Designed Apparatus
959  王亞男、林金樹、馬曉恩、蔡明哲  溪頭試驗地柳杉人工林材積生長的長期變化 271:25(1):67-80 2011
 Long - term Volume Growth Changes of Sugi ( Cryptomeria japonica D. Don ) Stands in Xitou Tract