Vol.05 No.4
0541 | 郭寶章、李玉琴 森林景觀評估:林分透視度之調查 |
194;5(4):1-10 |
1991 |
Evaluation of Forest Landscape : the Investigation of Forest Stand Transparency | |||
0542 | 胡弘道 高山草生地土壤對松科菌根生成之影響 |
194;5(4):11-35 |
1991 |
Influence of Grassland Soils at High Altitude on the Fornation of Mycorrhizae for Pinaceae | |||
0543 | 顏秉貞 捕鼠器在造林地捕捉松鼠效果之研究 |
194;5(4):37-49 |
1991 |
Trapping Efficiency of Tree Squirrel with Various Traps in Forest Plantations | |||
0544 | 鄧偉雄 伏滅鼠防治赤腹松鼠效果之研究 |
194;5(4):51-63 |
1991 |
Control of Tree Squirrel with Storm | |||
0545 | 陳信雄、楊蔚宇 臺北市山坡地就水土保持需要性之土地初級分類研討方案 |
194;5(4):65-113 |
1991 |
The Study on Lnad Primary Classification for the Necessities of Soil & Water Conservation to Upland in Taipei | |||
0546 |
陳明杰、陳信雄 森林試驗集水區基底逕流遞減特性之研究 |
194;5(4):115-135 |
1991 |
Study on the Characteristics of Baseflow Recession of Forest Experimental Watershed | |||
0547 |
柳重勝、鍾年鈞 記臺灣產蘭科植物之一新種--無蕊喙赤箭 |
194;5(4):137-140 |
1991 |
Gastrodia appendiculata - A New Orchid Species from Taiwan | |||
0548 |
羅漢強 木賊葉木麻黃癒合組織之器官發生 |
194;5(4):141-147 |
1991 |
Organogenesis from Callus in Casuarina equisetifolia |
Vol.05 No.3
0531 | 劉一新、郭寶章 溪頭地區赤腹松鼠與刺鼠棲息地選擇之研究 |
193;5(3):1-16 |
1991 |
A Study on the Habitat Selection of the Red - Bellied Tree Squirrel and the Spiny Rat in Chitou Area | |||
0532 | 郭寶章、嚴玉玲、周瑞龍 景觀造林地疏伐之實施與植被變化 |
1991 |
Changes of Ground Cover in an Esthetic Forest Plantation Following Thinning | |||
0533 | 梁治文、姚榮鼐、甘德圍、劉玉益 臺大實驗林孟宗竹林之現況分析 |
193;5(3):27-44 |
1991 |
Status and Analysis of Moso - Bamboo ( Phyllostachys pubescens ) Plantation in NTU Experimental Forest | |||
0534 | 蔡金木、王越琳 防火塗料塗布木質板材之耐燃性 |
193;5(3):45-60 |
1991 |
Incombustibility of Fire - Retardant - Paint Coated Wood Panels | |||
0535 | 陳信雄、楊蔚宇 降雨臨前濕潤條件與相對逕流量關係之研究 |
193;5(3):61-91 |
1991 |
Study on the Relationship between Wetness Condition before Rain and Relative Runoff | |||
0536 |
鍾達雄、李弘堯 臺灣木材工業經營現況與效率之研究 |
193;5(3):93-121 |
1991 |
Study on the Managerial Efficiency of Wood Industries at Pressent in Taiwan | |||
0537 |
鍾達雄、梁孟君 室內裝污用材產銷之研究(Ⅰ)省產造林木做為室內裝污用材之潛力探討及其產銷研究 |
193;5(3):123-149 |
1991 |
Studies on Production and Sale of Domestic Decoration Wood (Ⅰ)Research on The Potential of Provincial Plantation as Interior Decoration Wood and Its Production and Sale | |||
0538 |
廖日京 臺灣植物學名訂正與補遺(Ⅲ) |
193;5(3):151-158 |
1991 |
The Revisions and supplements of the Plant Scientific names in Taiwan |
Vol.05 No.2
0521 | 王亞男、姜家華、吳淑華 威氏帝杉之組織培養繁殖 |
192;5(2):1-15 |
1991 |
The Propagation by Tissue Culture of Pseudotsuga wilsoniana Hay. | |||
0522 | 梁亞忠、郭幸榮 林業溫室條件序控系統之研究 |
192;5(2):17-30 |
1991 |
The Study on the Condition - Sequence - Control in Forestry Greenhouse | |||
0523 | 焦國模、姜家華、王德春、施能毅、劉興旺、梁治文臺大實驗林契約林地解除之評估 |
192;5(2):31-53 |
1991 |
The Deforestation Evaluation of the Experimental Forest of N. T. U. | |||
0524 | 李國忠、林俊秀、黃進睦 邊際林地利用之效率性與公平性-財產權方法論 |
192;5(2):55-66 |
1991 |
A Study of Efficiency and Fairness on Marginal Forest Land - The Application of Property Right | |||
0525 | 林青蓉、陳信雄、陳明杰 溪頭試驗集水區降水及溪流水質之研究 |
192;5(2):67-93 |
1991 |
Study on the Precipitation and Stream Water Quality in Chi - Tou Experimental Watershed | |||
0526 |
吳順昭、謝榮生 麻竹與孟宗竹微細構造之研究 |
192;5(2):95-122 |
1991 |
Ultrastructure of Taiwan Giant and Moso Bamboo | |||
0527 |
王松永、張志仁臺灣主要經濟樹種材質之基礎研究 (XII)臺灣赤楊、錐果櫟及烏心石之比重、收縮率與纖維飽和點之變異性 |
192;5(2):123-149 |
1991 |
Studies on the Fundamental Properties of the Economical Tree Species in Taiwan ( XII ) The Variability of Specific Gravity, Shrinkage and Fiber Saturation Point of Taiwan Alder, Narrow Leaved Oak and Formosan Michelia | |||
0528 |
雷明遠、蔡金木 木材及木質複合板火災性狀之評估 |
192;5(2):151-181 |
1991 |
Evaluation of Fire - Performance Properties of Wood and Wood - Based Composite Panel | |||
0529 |
羅漢強 異型結合性、雜種優勢及外向配育植物之適應性 |
192;5(2):183-213 |
1991 |
Vol.05 No.1
0511 | 姜家華、王亞男、張國楨 促進臺灣杉、巒大杉、柳杉開花結實之研究(一)環狀剝皮 |
191;5(1):1-12 |
1991 |
To Stimulate the Flowering and Fruiting of Taiwania, Cunninghamia and Cryptomeria (Ⅰ) Ring Girdling | |||
0512 | 王亞男、姜家華、張瓈云 臺灣櫸之微扦插 |
1991 |
The Microcutting of Zelkova serrata | |||
0513 | 劉興旺 兩種象鼻蟲為害臺灣二葉松之防治報告 |
191;5(1):25-32 |
1991 |
Control of Weevils on Taiwan Red Pine | |||
0514 | 陳信雄 臺北市近郊土地條件與土地利用現況評估之研究 |
191;5(1):33-64 |
1991 |
Study on Evaluation of Land Condition and Status of Land Use in Suburb of Taipei City | |||
0515 | 鍾達雄 群組技術家具生產排序及品質之管制研究(Ⅰ)(一)椅類家具之生產 |
191;5(1):65-100 |
1991 |
Studies on the Process and Quality Control of Furniture Manufacturing by Group Technology ( Ⅰ) Production of the Chair Furniture | |||
0516 |
吳順昭、陳邦寧、堯明才 卡鄧伯木之物理及機械性質變異性 |
191;5(1):101-127 |
1991 |
The Variations of Physical and Mechanical Properties of Anthocephalus chinesis | |||
0517 |
吳順昭、謝榮生 十種省產針葉樹材之構造特性 |
191;5(1):129-165 |
1991 |
The Wood Structure of Ten Softwood Species Grown in Taiwan | |||
0518 |
林建村、姚榮鼐、鍾年鈞 溪頭森林遊樂區咬人貓形態和植群之研究 |
191;5(1):167-183 |
1991 |
Morphology and Habitats of Devil's - leaf ( Urtica thunbergiana ) in Chi - tou Forest Recreation Area | |||
0519 |
廖日京 臺灣引進樹林之中心--永靖概況及展望 |
192;5(1):185-218 |
1991 |
Note on the Outlook of Yungching, Center of Introduced Trees and Shrubs in Taiwan | |||
051A | 郭寶章、嚴玉玲 森林美質之評估方法 |
192;5(1):219-229 |
1991 |
051B |
羅漢強 植物鄕土性在保育上之啟示 |
192;5(1):231-261 |
1991 |