Vol.03 No.4
0341 | 施能毅 愛玉子隱頭果生長與發育之初步觀察 |
186;3(4):1-10 |
1989 |
A Preliminary Observation on the Growth and Development of Ficus pumila var. awkeotsang Syconia | |||
0342 | 高清、朱紀實 赤腹松鼠為害與木材化學組成相關性之研究(六)各種樹木木材之成份對受松鼠危害程度之影響 |
186;3(4):11-20 |
1989 |
Studies on the Squirrel Resistant Mechanism in Taiwan ( Ⅵ ) A Comparison of the Chemical Wood Compositions of Trees on the Susceptibility to Squirrel Damage | |||
0343 | 魏聰輝、簡文村 從最大風速特性檢討韋恩颱風對臺大實驗林林木之為害 |
186;3(4):21-38 |
1989 |
A Maximum Wind Velocity Characteristics Based Research on the Damages Wayne Typhoon Had on Experimental Woods of N. T. U. | |||
0344 | 呂正吉、劉興旺 克林草毒殺孟宗竹之效果研究 |
186;3(4):39-45 |
1989 |
Control Efficacy on the Mosobamboo by Using Frenock | |||
0345 | 楊榮啟 森林資源經營所用的數學模式 |
186;3(4):47-55 |
1989 |
Mathematical Models Used in Forest Resource Management | |||
0346 |
蘇鴻傑 臺灣野生根節蘭及鶴題蘭(蘭科)之數示分類 |
186;3(4):57-79 |
1989 |
Numerical Taxonomy on the Native Species of Calanthe and Phaius ( Orchidaceae ) in Taiwan | |||
0347 |
廖日京 臺灣榕樹之變種 |
186;3(4):79-97 |
1989 |
The 10 Varieties of Ficus microcarpa L. F | |||
0348 |
姚榮鼐 開花植物(被子植物)Cronquist 之分類系統與 Hutchinson 系統之比較 |
186;3(4):99-118 |
1989 |
Classification of Flowering Plants ( Angiosperms ) of Cronquist System and Comparisons to Hutchinson System | |||
0349 |
柳重勝 記臺灣蘭科植物相新記綠種--雉尾指柱蘭 |
186;3(4):119-123 |
1989 |
Cheirostylis cochinchinensis Bl. - A New Addition to the Orchid Flora of Taiwan |
Vol.03 No.3
Vol.03 No.2
0321 | 張隆城、郭幸榮、李遠欽 木麻黃類與不同類源固氮菌之親和力 |
184;3(2):1-12 |
1989 |
The Affinity Between Casuarina spp. and Endophytes of Nodules from Different Sources | |||
0322 | 李國忠 經濟自由化下森林資源利用轉變之分析 |
184;3(2):13-32 |
1989 |
An Transfer Analysis of Forest Resources under De - Regulation | |||
0323 | 劉儒淵、黃英塗 遊樂活動對溪頭森林遊樂區環境衝擊之研究 |
184;3(2):33-51 |
1989 |
Studies of Visitor Impacts on Environment of Chitou Forest Recreation Area | |||
0324 | 王松永、林曉洪 造林木材之抗燃性效應研究 |
184;3(2):53-64 |
1989 |
Studies on the Efficiency of Fires - Resistance of Plantation Forest Wood | |||
0325 | 鍾達雄 餐桌家具群組生產時間之學習曲線研究 |
184;3(2):65-80 |
1989 |
Studies on LearningCurve of Group Production Time in Dinette Fumiture | |||
0326 |
柳重勝 記臺灣蘭科植物相新記錄種--圓唇伴蘭 |
184;3(2):81-86 |
1989 |
Hetaeria Rotundiloba J. J. Smith - A New Addition to The Orchid Flora of Taiwan | |||
0327 |
應紹舜 臺灣產龍膽科植物之分類研究 |
184;3(2):87-111 |
1989 |
Systematic Study on Gentianiaceae of Taiwan | |||
0328 |
江懷恩 臺灣冬青屬植物之新見 |
184;3(2):113-11 |
1989 |
New Opinions on the Genus Ilex in Taiwan | |||
0329 |
陳昭明 林木收穫計畫與環境保育 |
184;3(2):119-135 |
1989 |
Timber Harvest Plan and Environmental Conservation | |||
032A |
黃瓊瑤、郭寶章 森林中齧齒動物與菌根菌之傳播 |
184;3(2):137-143 |
1989 |
Fungus Dispersion by Forest Rodents |
Vol.03 No.1