Vol.09 No.4
0941 | 楊榮啟 模糊決策環境下之森林資源經營管理計畫 |
210:9(4):1-17 |
1995 |
Forest Resource Management Planning under Fuzzy Decision Environments | |||
0942 | 柳重勝、鍾年鈞 記臺灣蘭科植物相新記錄種--爪哇山珊瑚 | 210:9(4):19-23 | 1995 |
Galeola Javanica ( Blume ) Benth. & Hook. F., A New Addition to the Orchid Flora of Taiwan | |||
0943 | 陳明杰 合理化公式推算洪峰流量相關條件之研究 |
210:9(4):25-39 |
1995 |
Study on the Related Condition of Calculating Peak Flow Rate by Rational Formula | |||
0944 | 陳信雄、楊蔚宇、賴彥任 坡地開發與邊坡穩定調查及防治技術之研究(二) | 210:9(4):41-25 | 1995 |
The Study on Investigation and Preventing Teehincs of the Slope Land Development and the Slope Stability (Ⅱ) | |||
0945 | 吳順昭、謝榮生、劉建麟、湯適謙 中國大陸產竹材解剖性質之研究(二) | 210:9(4):53-70 | 1995 |
The Anatomical Properties of Some Bamboo Species Grown in Mainland Ching (Ⅱ) | |||
0946 | 魏聰輝、姚榮鼐、周瑞龍 溪頭地區山谷風特性之研究 |
210:9(4):71-95 |
1995 |
The Studies on the Characteristics of Breeze in Chitou |
Vol.09 No.3
0931 | 劉儒淵 塔塔加地區步道土壤沖蝕及其監測之研究 |
209:9(3):1-19 |
1995 |
Studies on the Trail Erosion and its Monitoring of Tataka Area, Yushan National Park, Central Taiwan | |||
0932 | 胡弘道、劉啟福 臺灣二葉松與松茸共生關係之研究(二)pH及溫度對松茸菌落生長效應 |
209:9(3):21-27 |
1995 |
tudy on the Relationship between Pinus taiwanensis Hay. And Tricholoma matsutake ( Ito et Imai ) Sing. (Ⅱ)Effect of pH and Temperature on Colony Growth of Tricholoma matsutake | |||
0933 | 王松永、羅玉婷 蔗渣和木材鉋花混合粒片板之研製(二)粒片粗細及蔗渣杉木鉋花混合比對粒片板性質之影響 |
209:9(3):29-46 |
1995 |
Studying on Processing Variables of the Particleboards Made from the Mixture of Bagasse and Wood Shavings (Ⅱ) Effects of Particle Size and Mix Ratio on Board Properties | |||
0934 | 張上鎮、許富蘭、黃彥三 紫外光硬化塗料耐光性與耐候性之研究(一)耐光性之比較 |
209:9(3):47-64 |
1995 |
Study on the Lightfastness and the Weatherability of UV - curable Coatings on Wood Surface (Ⅰ) Comparison of Lightfastness | |||
0935 | 張上鎮、許富蘭 紫外光硬化塗料耐光性與耐候性之研究(一)耐候性之比較 |
209:9(3):65-76 |
1995 |
Study on the Lightfastness and the Weatherability of UV - curable Coatings on Wood Surface (Ⅱ)Comparison of Weatherability | |||
0936 | 蔡金水、黃曾祥、李明賢、林篁園 臺灣產杉木、柳杉木材之表面壓密化 | 209:9(3):77-89 | 1995 |
Surface Densification of China Fir and Japanese Fir Lumber Grown in Taiwan |
Vol.09 No.2
0921 | 鍾年鈞 臺大實驗林沙里仙區植群生態之研究(一)植群分析之研究 |
208:9(2):1-19 |
1995 |
Studies on the Vegetation Ecology of Salisen Area in the Experimental Forest of National Taiwan University (Ⅰ) Studies on the Vegetation Analysis | |||
0922 | 廖日京 臺灣被子植物之分類學研究(二)藤黃科、椴樹科及山薇科 |
208:9(2):21-46 |
1995 |
Taxonomical Studies on the Angiospermae in Taiwan (Ⅱ) Guttiferae, Tiliaceae and Samydaceae | |||
0923 | 連錦漳、賴建興、李國忠 臺灣木材供給與森林資源發展 |
208:9(2):47-75 |
1995 |
Timber Supply and Forest Resources Development in Taiwan | |||
0924 | 姜家華、王亞男、張國楨、王介鼎、李鎮宇、林敏宜、朱建華臺灣穗花杉兩生育地之氣象與土壤養分調查與分析 | 208:9(2):77-87 | 1995 |
An Investigation and Analysis of the Habitat of Amentotaxus formosana | |||
0925 | 鍾達雄、彭淑貞 臺灣進口木材貿易之研究--美國櫟木 |
208:9(2):89-103 |
1995 |
Studies on the Trade of Taiwan Import Wood - American Oak - | |||
0926 | 楊榮啟 論東京大學實驗林之改革 |
208:9(2):105-109 |
1995 |
Innovation of the Tokyo University Forest |
Vol.09 No.1
0911 | 陳明杰 森林試驗集水區集流時間之研究 | 207:9(1):1-17 | 1995 |
Study on the Time of Concentration of Forest Experimental Watershed | |||
0912 | 吳順昭、王義仲 馬來西亞產商用籐材之物理性質與機械性質研究 | 207:9(1):19-31 | 1995 |
Physical and Mechanical Properties of Malaysian Commercial Rattan Species | |||
0913 | 李國忠、林俊成、林俊秀 私有林營林補貼之經濟性研究 | 207:9(1):33-53 | 1995 |
An Economic Study of Plantation Subsidy on Private Forest | |||
0914 | 鍾達雄、劉逸薇 臺灣家具生產自動化層次之研究 | 207:9(1):55-92 | 1995 |
Studies on The Automation Levels of Furniture Manufacturing in Taiwan | |||
0915 | 吳順昭、謝榮生 中國大陸產竹材解剖性質之研究(一) | 207:9(1):93-119 | 1995 |
The Anatomical Properties of Some Bamboo Species Grown in Mainland China (Ⅰ) | |||
0916 | 郭寶章 未來育林學教學展望 | 207:9(1):121-125 | 1995 |
Prospects of Teaching Silviculture in the Future |