Vol.19 No.4
828 | 吳孟玲、莊鈴木、傅春旭、葛兆年、張東柱 應用放線菌生物製劑防治林木幼苗猝倒病害之探討 | 250;19(4):251-260 | 2005 |
Application of borrelidin from Streptomyces candidus on biocontrol of tree seedling damping-off diseases | |||
829 | 王松永、張上鎮、陳勁豪、鄭森松、林法勤、洪崇彬 桃芝颱風所引起土石流對人工林台灣杉性質之影響 | 250;19(4):261-270 | 2005 |
Influence of Taiwania Plantation Trees Properties by Toraji Typhoon Debris Flow | |||
830 | 陳麗琴、林俊成、張新儀、劉瓊霦 台灣地區森林遊憩經濟價值之效益移轉 | 250;19(4):271-280 | 2005 |
Benefit Transfer of Forest Recreation Use Values in Taiwan | |||
831 | 邱祈榮、林鴻忠、王筱萱 林美石磐步道暑期遊客滿意度之研究 | 50;19(4):281-292 | 2005 |
A Study of Visitors’ Satisfaction on Lin-Mei Stone Trail during Summer Vacation | |||
832 | 王松永、張豐丞、李怡真、楊賜霖、林法勤 柳杉疏伐木有效利用之探討 | 250;19(4):293-300 | 2005 |
The Study on the Effective Utilization of Japanese Cedar Thinned Logs | |||
833 | 吳俊賢、陳溢宏、林俊成、許秋雁 私有林農對國土復育策略方案暨行動計畫之意向分析—以南投縣為例 | 250;19(4):301-314 | 2005 |
Inclination Analyses of Private Forest Owners Towards Public Land Restoration Strategy and Action Plan—A Case Study in Nan-touCounty |
Vol.19 No.3
822 | 陳信雄、張振生、魏聰輝 溪頭地區地震及颱風災害跡地土壤熱傳導係數之探討 | 249;19(3):177-186 | 2005 |
Base Study on Soil Thermal Conductivity on Earthquake and Typhoon Disaster Place at Shitou Area. |
823 | 蘇明洲、高慧蓮 屏東市國民中學校園內草本植物調查與分析 | 249;19(3):187-206 | 2005 |
Investigation and Analysis of Herbaceous Plants on Junior High School Campuses of PingtungCity. |
824 | 詹明勳、曾郁珊、蔡明哲、高毓謙、李佳韋、郭佩鈺、黃憶汝 三種非破壞檢測儀器應用於柳杉造林木立木材之評估 | 249;19(3):207-216 | 2005 |
Property Evaluation of the Plantation Trees (Japanese cedar) by using three Nondestructive Testing Techniques . | |||
825 | 蕭怡茹、王立志 烏來地區次生闊葉林、桂竹人工林、柳杉人工林之枯落物動態 | 249;19(3):217-230 | 2005 |
Litterfall Dynamics of A SecondaryHardwoodForest, Plantations of Japanese Fir and Makino Bamboo in Wulai Area. | |||
826 | 鹿兒陽、朱珮綺、劉育延、李治逸、許崑衍、彭靖媛、李金玲 台大實驗林溪頭崩塌地定殖植物之特性研究 | 249;19(3):231-238 | 2005 |
Characteristics of Colonizers on the Landslide of Xitou, Experimental Forest, NationalTaiwanForest . | |||
827 | 高毓謙、林振榮、林達德、蔡明哲 多路徑超音波斷面影像技術評估柳杉人造孔洞之研究 | 249;19(3):239-250 | 2005 |
Evaluation of Artificial Holes in Cryptomeria japonica by Ultrasonic Tomography Technique . |
Vol.19 No.2
816 | 袁孝維、丁宗蘇、盧道杰、謝欣怡 森林生態系經營示範區鳥類群聚監測 | 248;19(2):77-88 | 2005 |
Monitoring Avian Community Composition in Forest Ecosystem Management Demonstration Areas . | |||
817 | 張森永、應紹舜、劉儒淵、曾家琳 東北角草嶺古道沿線植群與土壤衝擊之研究 | 248;19(2):89-102 | 2005 |
Trampling Impacts on Vegetation and Soil along Tsaoling Historic Trail in NortheastCoast of Taiwan. |
818 | 李侑珍、盧道杰、李國忠 高雄市壽山自然公園的建制過程與初期規劃經驗 | 248;19(2):103-132 | 2005 |
The Establishing Process of the Shou-ShanNaturalPark and Its Experiences at Initiative Planning Stage.. Yu-Chen Lee, Dau-Jye Lul, Kouchung J. Lee. | |||
819 | 邱祈榮、黃名媛、葉名容、江玲怡 台大實驗林經營計畫目標形成之研究 | 248;19(2):133-146 | 2005 |
A study on shaping goals of management plan for NTU experimental forest . |
820 | 鹿兒陽、朱珮綺、沈介文、彭靖媛 台大實驗林神木溪保護林闊葉林及竹林枯落物動態研究 | 248;19(2):147-16 | 2005 |
Litterfall dynamics in natural hardwood forest and its adjacent bamboo plantation in Shenmuhsi Forest Reserve of the ExperimentalForest, NationalTaiwanUniversity . | |||
821 | 魏聰輝、張振生、陳信雄 塔塔加地區降雪期間之熱量收支 | 248;19(2):161-176 | 2005 |
Characteristics of Snow Heat Budget at Tatachia Area . |
Vol.19 No.1
810 | 丁憲中、應紹舜 西勢水庫集水區植群分析之研究 | 247;19(1):1-16 | 2005 |
Study on the Vegetation at the Watershed of His-Shih Reservoir, Keelung, Taiwan . | |||
811 | 胡寶元、謝煥儒、姚瑞禎、傳春旭 數種土壤真菌對嘉磷塞忍受性之研究 | 247;19(1):17-24 | 2005 |
Study on the Tolerance of Some Soil Fungi to Glyphosate . | |||
812 | 陳基發、李國忠、邱祈榮 應用衝突管理於策略規劃之研究-南投縣內湖國小遷校個案 | 247;19(1):25-42 | 2005 |
A Research on Strategic Planning by Applying the Theory of Conflict Management---Relocation of Nay-Hu Elementary School in Nan-Tou County Case Study. |
813 | 吳俊賢、林俊成、李國忠、陳溢宏、林麗貞、林瑞進 森林能源作物之二氧化碳吸存效果與能源產出效率 | 247;19(1):43-54 | 2005 |
The Effect of Carbon Sequestration and Energy Production Efficiency for Forest Energy Crops in Taiwan. | |||
814 | 羅漢強、黃子銘 青剛櫟之小孢子發生 | 247;19(1):55-68 | 2005 |
Microsporogenesis in Cyclobalanopsis glauca (Thunb.) Oerst. | |||
815 | 王素芬、鄭祈全、張哲彰 應用生態系經營決策支援系統於野生動物棲地適宜性之評估 | 247;19(1):69-76 | 2005 |
Applying Ecosystem Management Decision Support System on Wildlife Habitat Suitability Assessment. |