Vol.11 No.4
1141 | 汪 淮、黃倩猗 高分子樹脂含紙張性質之研究 | 218;11(4):1-9 | 1997 |
Properties of Polymer Impregnated Paper | |||
1142 | 高 清、鄭榮峰 都市林中菩提樹葉面積之研究 | 218;11(4):11-19 | 1997 |
A Study on the Leaf Area of Ficus religiosa L. in Urban Area | |||
1143 | 陳信雄、廖學誠、黃正良、詹進發 應用 Hamon 公式推估福山試驗林蒸發散之研究 | 218;11(4):21-30 | 1997 |
Estimating Evapotranspiration of Fu - Shan Experimental Forest Using the Hamon Equation | |||
1144 | 李鎮宇、余金益、王亞男、姜家華、孫岩章、宋烱輝 木本樹種淨化臭氧與二氧化氮能力之評估(二) | 218;11(4):31-47 | 1997 |
Evaluation of Tree Species for Absorption and Tolerance of Ozone and Nitrogen Dioxide (Ⅱ) | |||
1145 | 顏重威 鳳凰谷鳥園鳥類群聚的組成與結構 | 218;11(4):49-66 | 1997 |
The Composition and Structure of the Avian Community in the Phoenix Bird Park, Nantou County, Taiwan | |||
1146 | 王升陽、張上鎮、蘇裕昌、郭悅雄 臺灣杉(Taiwania cryptomerioidesHayata)抽出成分之研究 | 218;11(4):67-81 | 1997 |
Studies on the Extractives of Taiwania ( Taiwania cryptomerioides Hayata ) : A Review |
Vol.11 No.3
1131 | 陳信雄 坡地開發與邊坡穩定調查及防治技術之研究(五) | 217;11(3):1-17 | 1997 |
The Study on Investigation and Preventing Technologies of the Slope Land Development and Slope Stability (Ⅴ) | |||
1132 | 葉汀峰、張上鎮 光安定劑配方對聚胺基甲酸酯透明塗裝櫟木耐候性改善效果之比較 | 217;11(3):19-29 | 1997 |
Comparison of the Effectiveness of UV - Stabilizers on the Weatherability Improvement of Clear PU - Coated Oak | |||
1133 | 高毓瑩、王亞男、姜家華 臺灣櫸細胞懸浮培養與原生質體分離之研究 | 217;11(3):31-40 | 1997 |
Studies on Cell Suspension Culure and Protoplast Isolation of Zelkova serrata | |||
1134 | 陳信雄、廖學誠、黃正良、詹進發 利用數值地形模型粹取陡坡小集水區河川網路之研究 | 217;11(3):41-52 | 1997 |
A Study of the Extraction of Channel Networks from Digital Terrain Model in Small Steep Watersheds | |||
1135 | 邱祈榮 國有林事業區分群之研究 | 217;11(3):53-77 | 1997 |
A Study on Establishing the Scheme of the Working Circles on the National Forest Land | |||
1136 | 詹進發 類神經網路應用於遙測影像分類之研究 | 217;11(3):79-89 | 1997 |
Artificial Neural Networks for Classification of Remote Sensing Data | |||
1137 |
鄭欽龍 水資源評價方及應用之探討 |
217;11(3):91-99 |
1997 |
A Survey of Valuation Models of Water Resources and Their Applications |
Vol.11 No.2
1121 | 陳信雄、廖學誠、詹進發 網格大小及水流方向對福山集水區地形指標之影響 | 216;11(2):1-13 | 1997 |
The Effects of Grid Sizes and Flow Directions on the Topographic Index in Fu - Shan Watersheds | |||
1122 | 賴晃宇、鄭祈全、陳永寬 數值地形模型應用於地理資訊系統之建立 | 216;11(2):15-54 | 1997 |
DTM Applications in Establishing GIS | |||
1123 | 王亞男、姜家華、孫岩章、李鎮宇、余金益 木本樹種淨化臭氧與二氧化氮能力之評估(一) | 216;11(2):55-72 | 1997 |
Evaluation of Tree Species for Purification of Ozone and Nitrogen Dioxide (Ⅰ) | |||
1124 | 柳重勝 記述二種臺灣新記錄蘭科植物--亮葉沼蘭及古氏脈葉蘭 | 216;11(2):73-80 | 1997 |
The Occurrence of Malaxis biloba and Nervilia cumberlegei ( Orchidacae ) in Taiwan | |||
1125 | 施慶芳、劉金淓、陳放生 柳杉栽植距離之研究-46年生時之結果 | 216;11(2):81-109 | 1997 |
Spacing Study in Cryptomeria Plantation - 46 Years Old Result | |||
1126 | 溤豐隆 不同密度下林分生長反應之模式 | 216;11(2):111-123 | 1997 |
Modelling Study Growth Varies in Response to Different Spacing | |||
1127 |
高清、孫岩章、陳鋒南 木本植物吸收二氧化硫能力的評估 |
217;11(2):125-138 |
1997 |
Sorption of Sulfur Dioxide by Fifteen Native Tree Species in Taiwan |
Vol.11 No.1
1111 | 羅漢強 木賊葉木麻黃癒合組織之耐鹽性 | 215;11(2):1-11 | 1997 |
Salt - Tolerance of Calli in Casuarina equisetifolia Forest | |||
1112 | 應紹舜 臺灣植物註釋及敘述(XV) | 215;11(2):13-20 | 1997 |
Miscellaneous Notes on the Flora of Taiwan (XV) | |||
1113 | 堯明才、吳順昭 樺木科木材解剖構造之系統研究 | 215;11(2):21-53 | 1997 |
Systematic Studies on the Wood Anatomical Characteristics of Betulaceae | |||
1114 | 林志謀、王亞男、姜家華 臺灣肖楠組織培養之初步研究 | 215;11(1):55-72 | 1997 |
nPreliminary Studies on Tissue Culture of Calocedrus formosana ( Florin ) Florin | |||
1115 | 胡弘道、翁倩玉 臺灣二葉松與松茸共生關係之研究(三)不同介質對臺灣二葉松松茸菌根發育影響之比較 | 215;11(1):73-80 | 1997 |
Study on Relationship Between Pinus taiwanensis Hay. And Tricholoms matsutake ( Ito et Imai ) Sing (Ⅲ)Comparison of Mycorrhizal Development of Pinus taiwanensis Seedlings Inoculated with Tricholoma matsutakein Different Media | |||
1116 | 林世宗、簡文村 臺灣紅豆杉之育林研究(二)不同光度對臺灣紅豆杉苗木生長與形質之效應 | 215;11(1):81-98 | 1997 |
Silvicultural Studies on Taiwan Yew ( Taxus sumatrana ) (Ⅱ) Effects of Different Light Quantum Regimes on the Seedling Performance of Taiwan Yew | |||
1117 |
邱祈榮 國有林事業區高程及土地利用型分群之研究 |
215;11(1):99-119 |
1997 |
A Study on Using Elevation and Land Use Type Distributions to Establish the Scheme of the Working Circles on the National Forest Land |