Vol.10 No.4

1041 湯適謙、吳順昭 森林遊樂者之脈博速率與熱量消耗之評估 214;10(4):1-13 1996
The Evaluation of Heart Rate and Energy Expenditure in Forest Recreational Activity
1042 許再文、柳重勝 記述琉球水玉簪在臺灣之分布 214;10(4):15-19 1996
Note on the Distribution of Burmannia liukiuensis Hayata in Taiwan
1043 陳朝圳、吳守從、陳永寬 Weibull 機率密度函數應用於天然林林分結構動態變化之研究(一)  214;10(4):21-31 1996
Using Weibull Probability Density Function to Study the Dynamics of the Stand Structure in Natural Fores
1044 堯明才、吳順昭 樺木科木材解剖構造之模糊聚類分析研究 214;10(4):33-48 1996
Studies on the Fuzzy Cluster Analysis for Wood Anatomical Characteristics of Betulaceae
1045 林文亮 臺灣木材生產中心之規劃 214;10(4):49-76 1996
A Plan for a Timber Production Center Program in Taiwan
1046 陳信雄、廖學誠、詹進發 地理資訊系統遙測於集水區水文模式上之應用 214;10(4):77-93 1996
Applications of Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing in Watershed Hydrologic Model

Vol.10 No.3

1031 陳信雄 哈盆溪集水區伏流水動態之研究(一) 213;10(3):1-18 1996
The Potential of Subsurface Flow at Ha - Pen Watershed ()
1032 胡弘道、劉啟福 公路旁不同植群對鉛污染淨化功能之評估 213;10(3):19-28 1996
Evaluation of Different Vegetation Types on the Purification of Lead Pollution Along the Highway
1033 張國楨、姜家華、王亞男 臺灣櫸逢機擴大多形性核酸分析之研究 213;10(3):29-40 1996
Study on the Random Amplified Polymophic DNA ( RAPD ) of Zelkova serrata
1034 王博弘、應紹舜 臺灣地區鐘萼木之分佈及植群分析 213;10(3):41-76 1996
Studies on the Distribution and the Community of Bretschneidera sinensis in Taiwan
1035 鍾玉龍 應用數值地形模型推估坡長坡度指數--以溪頭營林區為例 213;10(3):77-90 1996
Applying Digital Terrain Model to Estimate the Slope Length - Slope Gradient Factor - A Case Study in Chi - Tou Tract
1036 陳信雄、詹進發、廖學誠 集水區水文模式 TOPMODEL 之理論與應用 213;10(3):91-100 1996
The Concept and Application of a Watershed Hydrological Model, TOPMODEL

Vol.10 No.2

1021 陳信雄 臺灣森林集水區地下水文之研究 212;10(2):1-28 1996
Study on the Watershed Groundwater Hydrolgy in Taiwan
1022 姜家華、王亞男、張國楨、黃國忠 銀杏種子發芽、扦插與苗木性狀之研究 212;10(2):29-36 1996
A Study on the Germination of Seed, Cutting and Characteristics of Seedling in Ginkgo biloba L.
1023 吳順昭、謝榮生、劉建麟 中國大陸產竹材解部性質之研究(三) 212;10(2):37-59 1996
The Anatomical Properties of Some Bamboo Species Grown in Mainland China ()
1024 李國忠、徐振嘉 臺灣木基工業對外投資之分析 212;10(2):61-88 1996
A Study on the Foreign Direct Investment of Wood - based Industry in Taiwan
1025 蔡金木、李明賢 簡便試驗法木材難然處理劑藥效之評估 212;10(2):88-99 1996
Evaluation of the Fire - retardant Treating Agent for Wood by Simple Testing Method


鍾達雄、郭文正 物料需求計劃在家具製造應用之研究-MRP 理論程式應用於家具製造之實例 212;10(2):101-130 1996
Studies on Material Requirements Planning Applied in Furniture Manufacturing - Deployment of MRP Program Applied in the Table ( IDO ) Making


姚榮鼐、許世忠 溪頭臺灣奴草、蓮華池菱形奴草之初步生物研究


A Preliminary Biological Study of Two Varieties of Mitrastemon yamaoto Separately at Chi - tou and Lien -hwa - chi in Taiwan


黃曜謀、應紹舜 蘇澳地區筆筒樹植物社會之植群分析


Vegetation Analysis of Sphaeropteris lepifera ( Hook. ) Tryon Plant Community at Su - Ao Area

Vol.10 No.1

1011 吳順昭 中國產毛竹屬竹材微細構造研究(一) 211;10(1):1-21 1996
The Ultrastructure of Bamboos on Phyllostachys Grown in Mainland China (Ⅰ)
1012 陳信雄、楊蔚宇、呂丘鴻 不同土地利用對水資源涵養效益之調查研究(五) 211;10(1):25-34 1996
Investigation and Study on the Different Landuse to Water Resource Conservation Efficient (Ⅴ)
1013 林敏宜、王亞男、姜家華 臺灣扁柏與紅檜原生質體融合之初步研究 211;10(1):35-48 1996
A Preliminary Study on the Protoplast Fusion of Chamaecyparis obtusa var. formosana and Chamaecyparis formosensis
1014 黃進輝、郭幸榮 烏心石苗木形態於不同光度下之變化 211;10(1):49-65 1996
The Morphological Changes of Formosan Michelia Seedlings Grown under Different Light Intensities
1015 陳明杰、何正品 蓮華池地區林地土壤水貯留變化之研究 211;10(1):67-85 1996
Study on the Variation of Soil Moisture Storage of Forest Land in Lien - Hua - Chi Area


劉儒淵、鍾年鈞 東喜馬拉雅山與臺灣玉山地區植被垂真分布之比較 211;10(1):87-104 1996
Micropropagation and Somatic Embryogenesis of Cunninghamia konishii Hayata


廖淑貞、王亞男、姜家華 巒大杉之微體繁殖及體胚誘導


Micropropagation and Somatic Embryogenesis of Cunninghamia konishii Hayata


吳順昭、湯適謙 高山地區之森林作業(一)高山地區之森林作業-柳杉人工林行列疏伐木之集材作業


Forest Operation in High Mountainous Region (Ⅰ) Yarding Operation of Row Thinning at Cryptomeria japonicaPlantation