Vol.26 No.4

2641 鄭森松、莊閔傑、林群雅、張上鎮、王亞男  天然林和人工林香杉材部精油及其成分之抗木材腐朽菌活性 278:26(4):241-249 2012
Antifungal Activity of Wood Essential Oils of Cunninghamia konishii Hayata from Natural Forest and Plantation Forest
2642 陳忠義、王亞男、徐唯恩、吳亭潔、余瑞珠、吳宗賢  評估平地造林地之土肉桂、水黃皮及楓香的生長與CO2吸存量 278:26(4):251-260 2012
Evaluating Growth and CO2 Sequestration of Cinnamomum osmophloeum , Pongamia pinnata and Liquidambar formosana
2643 莊閔傑、楊賜霖、黃啟耀、卡艾瑋  提升學生利用疏伐木與鋼鐵進行空間建築結構設計與實務表現 278:26(4):261-274 2012
Enhancing Students’ Design with Fabrication of Thinned Wood and Steel of Structural and Architectural Space Renovation
2644 何錦尚、蘇柏羽、石哲宇、郭家和、陳建璋、陳朝圳  大武事業區臺灣穗花杉健康度評估之研究 278:26(4):275-286 2012
Health Investigation of Amentotaxus formosana Li at Dawu Working Circle
2645 陳韻婷、阮巽雯、張哲維、夏滄琪、王亞男、黃金城、劉素玲 牛糞活性碳之製造與其孔隙性質 278:26(4):287-298 2012
Manufacture and pore characterization of activated carbon made from cattle manure
2646 趙怡姍、王亞男、王介鼎  DNA生物條碼在森林之應用 278:26(4):299-304 2012
A DNA Barcode for Forest

Vol.26 No.3

2631 余瑞珠、陳忠義、江博能、賴彥任、蔡明哲、王亞男  屏東平地造林地區二氧化硸通量初探 277:26(3):163-174 2012
Preliminary Study of CO2 Flux in Pingdong Plantations
2632 衛強、陳鏡明、余瑞珠、鄭景鵬、賴彥任、洪志遠、江博能、張振生、魏聰輝、蔡明哲、王亞男  屏東平地造林地區二氧化硸通量塔樣區地上部蓄積量與遙測資料相關性研究 277:26(3):175-189 2012

Preliminary Study of the Relationships between Aboveground Storage and Remotely Sensed Data at Pingdong Afforestation Land

2633 陳忠義、王亞男、葉玲薇、謝忠諺、余瑞珠、吳宗賢  屏東萬隆農場櫸木之生長及CO2吸存量 277:26(3):191-199 2012
Assessment of Growth and CO2 Sequestration of Zelkova serrata in the Wan-Long farm, Pingdong
2634 余瑞珠、王亞男、江博能、蔡明哲、蔡僑隆  屏東平地造林地區二氧化硸通量塔樣區枯落物動態之研究 277:26(2):201-209 2012
Study of Litterfall dynamics of Afforestation in the Plain Area in Pingdong CO2 flux research site 
2635 賴彥任、洪志遠、魏聰輝、張振生、江博能、衛強、余瑞珠、莊振義、謝正義、蔡明哲、王亞男  溪頭地區二氧化碳通量之初探 277:26(3):211-224 2012
Preliminary Study of CO2 Flux in Xitou Area
2636 王亞男、蔡明哲、江博能、洪志遠、賴彥任、張振生、魏聰輝、衛強、余瑞珠、鄭景鵬  溪頭地區二氧化碳通量長期生態監測試驗地人工林林分構成、林下植物組成之特徵 277:26(3):225-239 2012
Study of Stand Composition and Understory Plants Characteristics in the Carbon Dioxide Flux Research Site, Xitou

Vol.26 No.2

984 王亞男、石哲宇、顏添明、李隆恩  溪頭地區紅檜人工林樹高曲線式及樹高生長模式建立之研究 276:26(2):93-102 2012
Study of Height - Diameter Equations and Tree Height Growth Equations for Taiwan Red Cypress (Chamaecyparis formosensis)
985 劉興旺、王亞男、蔡明哲、洪志遠、楊勝驛、鄭景鵬  溪頭地區臺灣杉人工林不同林齡胸徑與樹高生長之研究 275:26(2):103-111 2012
Study of Taiwania Plantation Growth Across Different Stand Ages in Xitou
986 魏浚紘、吳守從、黃冠理、陳朝圳、陳建璋 以空載光達資料推估柳杉人工林地上部生物量 276:26(2):113-123 2012
Using Airborne Laser Scanning Data to Estimate Forest Biomass of Cryptomeria japonica
987 彭嘉文、王亞男、呂佳樺、莊閔傑、林翰謙 銀合歡木灰及水蒸氣複合活化製備柳杉活性碳之研究 276:26(2):125-140 2012
Study of Japanese Cedar Activated Carbon by Combining Activation with White Popinac (Leucaena leucocephala) Ash and Steam   
988 余瑞珠、黃文俊、王亞男 福山地區厚殼桂冠層二氧化碳固定功能之研究 276:26(2):141-149 2012
Investigation of CO2 Fixation on the Canopy of Cryptocarya chinensis in Fu - Shan Botanic Garden
989 王松永  酚樹脂處理木材之物理性質、耐腐及耐白蟻性探討 276:26(2):151-161 2012
The Physical Properties, Decay and Termite Resistance of Wood - based Materials Impregnated with Phenolic Formaldehyde Resin

Vol.26 No.1

978 鄭森松、莊閔傑、林群雅、陳育涵、王亞男、張上鎮 紅心和黑心柳杉木材耐腐朽性之比較 275:26(1):1-17 2012
A Comparison of Fungal Decay Resistance between Red and Black Heartwood - type Cryptomeria japonica Wood
979 楊智凱、王亞男、黃憶汝、邱岳瑩、陳陽發、劉威廷 南投縣鹿谷鄉校園木本植栽現況調查及分析 275:26(1):19-36 2012
Investigation and Analysis on Campus Plants at Lu - Gu Township, Nantou County
980 葉信廷、許洞慶、王亞男、柯俊成 溪頭地區造癭性蚜蟲種類調查之初步結果 275:26(1):37-48 2012
Preliminary results of surveying species of galing aphids in Xitou area
981 曹崇銘、王亞男、薛美莉、黃正良、魏聰輝、賴彥任、洪志遠 鳳凰茶園地區水氣之冷凝水化學初步研究 275:26(1):49-63 2012
Preliminary study on condensed water shemistry of aqueous vapor in Fenghuang tea garden region

賴彥任、魏聰輝、張振生、邱祈榮、李靜峰、曹崇銘 氣候變遷對臺灣大學實驗林轄區氣候分區影響之評估

275:26(1):65-76 2012
Evaluation of climate change impacts on the climatic zones of Ezperimental Forest, National Taiwan University
983 莊閔傑、王亞男、柯淳涵 生物化學法轉換木質纖維製備生質酒精技術之回顧 275:26(1):77-92 2012
A Review of the Bioethanol Production from Lignocellulose Using Biochemical Methods