Vol.12 No.4
1241 | 郭幸榮、林柏全、許世宏 盬沫與機械性磨傷對六種臺灣原生闊葉樹種之危害 | 222;12(4):223-242 | 1998 |
The Damage of Salt Spray and Mechanical Abrasion to Six Native Broad - leaved Tree Species of Taiwan | |||
1242 | 古曉燕、鄭欽龍 印尼林業政策及森林破壞之探討 | 222;12(4):243-250 | 1998 |
A Review of Forest Policy and Deforestation in Indonesia | |||
1243 | 鍾達雄、呂俊賢 臺灣家具內銷市場通路之研究 | 222;12(4):251-267 | 1998 |
Domestic Marketing Channels of Furniture in Taiwan | |||
1244 | 宋炯輝、王亞男、孫岩章、賀立行 木本樹種淨化臭氧與二氧化氮能力之評估(三) | 222;12(4):269-288 | 1998 |
Evaluation of Tree Species for Absorption and Tolerance to Ozone and Nitrogen Dioxide ( Ⅲ ) | |||
1245 | 郭幸榮、黃進輝 烏心石苗木在溫室內不同光度下之生長表現 | 222;12(4):289-298 | 1998 |
Grwoth Performance of Formosan Michelia Seedlings Grown Under Different Light Intensities in Greenhouse | |||
1246 |
朱紀實 白雲杉白色與綠色癒合組織的差異性 | 222;12(4):299-307 | 1998 |
Differences between White and Green Megagametophyte Callus in Picea glauca ( Moench ) Voss | |||
1247 |
陳英謙、潘素美 行道樹淨化空氣污染能力之研究(一) |
222;12(4):309-316 |
1998 |
The Air - cleaning Capacity of Street Trees | |||
1248 |
張上鎮、吳季玲、王升陽 抗腐朽木材之抽出成分 |
222;12(4):317-329 |
1998 |
Extractives Contributing to the Decay Resistance of Wood |
Vol.12 No.3
1231 | 陳永寬、詹進發、賴晃宇 數位航測法山區林地測圖與森林資源資訊系統位相圖層建立 | 221;12(3):139-156 | 1998 |
Mapping and Establishing Topograpic Layers for GIS in Mountainous Forest Area by Digital Photogrammetric Technique | |||
1232 | 鍾達雄、趙英磊 物料需求計畫程式應用於家具製造之研究(Ⅱ) | 221;12(3):157-180 | 1998 |
Application of Material Requirements Planning to Furniture Manufacturing ( Ⅱ ) | |||
1233 | 袁孝維 南投縣沙里仙自然教育中心預定地鳥類相調查 | 221;12(3):181-188 | 1998 |
Avifauna of the Proposed Shalishian Nature Education Center, Nantou County, Taiwan | |||
1234 | 王立志、鄧子菁、夏禹九、金恆鑣、劉瓊霦 1996年葛樂禮颱風期間福山試驗林溪流水化學變化之研究 | 221;12(3):189-201 | 1998 |
Changes in Streamwater Chemistry of Fushan Experimental Forest During 1996 Typhoon Gloria Event | |||
1235 | 朱紀實 應用白雲杉雌配子體〈Picea Glauca (Moench) Voss Megagametophyte〉組織培養研究色素形成因子 | 221;12(3):203-211 | 1998 |
Application of Picea Glauca ( Moench ) Voss Megagametophyte Tissue Culture in Study of Factors Affecting Pigmentation | |||
1236 | 鄭啟仲、王亞男 臺灣沿海濕地之介紹及其面臨問題之探討 | 221;12(3):213-221 | 1998 |
The Introductin of the Coastal Wetland in Taiwan and the Discussion of the Problems |
Vol.12 No.2
1221 | 張上鎮、蕭雅方 塗裝木材人工加速劣化與自然曝露試驗之相關性(三)戶外耐候性 | 220;12(2):69-86 | 1998 |
Correlation of Accelerated Testing to Natural Exposure of Coated Wood ( Ⅲ ) Outdoor Weathering | |||
1222 | 施佩君、關秉宗 試驗前苗木篩選對處理效應之影響--以臺灣扁柏苗圃氮施肥為例 | 220;12(2):87-96 | 1998 |
Nitrogen Fertilization of Nursery Grown Taiwan Cypress - A Case Study on the Efficacy of Pre - treatment Screening on Treatment Effects | |||
1223 | 高 清、孫岩章、沈秋男 木本植物吸收二氧化硫能力之評估(二) | 220;12(2):97-104 | 1998 |
Sorption of Sulfur Dioxide by Fifteen Native Tree Species in Taiwan | |||
1224 | 林世宗、簡文村 臺灣粗榧苗木耐蔭性試驗 | 220;12(2):105-119 | 1998 |
Shade Tolerance in Seedlings of Taiwan Plum Yew ( Cephalotaxus wilsoniana ) | |||
1225 | 何健鎔、林春基、顏仁德 臺南縣螢火蟲資源調查 | 220;12(2):121-127 | 1998 |
The Firefly Fauna of Tainan County, Taiwan ( Coleoptera : Lampyridae ) | |||
1226 | 鄭啟仲、王亞男 濕地生態系及其養分循環 | 220;12(2):129-137 | 1998 |
Functions and Nutrient Cycles of Wetlands |
Vol.12 No.1
1211 | 陳信雄、張振生 哈盆溪集水區伏流水動態之研究(二)伏流水之追蹤與檢層 | 219;12(1):1-13 | 1998 |
The Potential of Subsurface Flow at Ha - Pen Watershed (Ⅱ) Subsurface Tracing and Logging | |||
1212 | 王升陽、張上鎮、吳季玲、吳志鴻 超音波法萃取葉綠素在不同溶劑之安定性比較 | 219;12(1):15-22 | 1998 |
Comparison of the Stability of Chlorophyll Extracted by Ultrasonics in Different Solvents | |||
1213 | 汪 淮、施照輝 針葉材硫酸鹽紙漿木醣酶與甘露醣酶前處理對紙漿漂白性的影響 | 219;12(1):23-30 | 1998 |
Effect of Xylanase and Mannanase Pretreatment on the Bleachability of Softwood Kraft Pulp | |||
1214 | 鍾達雄、趙英磊 物料需求計畫程式應用於家具製造之研究(一)靠背椅製造之實例 | 219;12(1):31-49 | 1998 |
Application of Material Requirements Planning to Furniture Manufacturing (Ⅰ) : Development of a MRP Program For Side Chair Making | |||
1215 | 高 清、鄭榮峰 都市林樹胸徑與樹冠面積相關性之研究 | 219;12(1):51-58 | 1998 |
The Relationship between DBH and Crown Area of Urban Trees | |||
1216 | 吳志鴻、張上鎮 葉綠素的結構與類別 | 219;12(1):59-68 | 1998 |
Struture and Classification of Chlorophylls |